Example sentences of "she [verb] back to the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 She slouched back to the living room .
2 Returning to the bedroom she crept back to the bed , raised the knife and without a moment 's thought drove it down into the sleeper 's chest .
3 She crept back to the door and pressed her ear against it , trying to figure out what was going on outside .
4 Finally , grabbing the bedcover and wrapping it round herself , she crept back to the head of the stairs .
5 She would phone her report to Philpott as soon as she got back to the hotel .
6 When she got back to the yard , however , Ricky had other ideas .
7 Who cared what Anpetuwi meant when she had three tables to clear , four people waving at her , and a growing list of drinks to remember when she got back to the bar ?
8 The car was ready when she got back to the cottage .
9 ‘ She told me this morning when she got back to the yacht that they planned on going .
10 When she got back to the kitchen , Finn was reading an old newspaper , seated on the table and eating dry chunks of bread gouged from a loaf in the crumb of which his fingers had left grey prints .
11 She had gone out to the drug store to get a bottle of milk for Maria 's bedtime cocoa , and when she got back to the suite , Bernie was in her section taking off Maria 's dress .
12 When she got back to the bench she saw that she had knocked over one of the shopping bags when she had stood up and a carton of eggs had dropped to the ground .
13 When asked about this revolt the Prime Minister replied that he ‘ thought speed was important and hoped she would send for Lord Home immediately-as soon as she got back to the Palace ’ .
14 When she got back to the office , both Dr Kent and Sara had gone , and Staff Nurse Target was anxious to start the drugs round with her .
15 When she got back to the office , Damian called her in abruptly , his voice hard on the intercom .
16 When she got back to the college , she went to the library and looked once more at all the reference books pertaining to Sebastian Denham , in the hope of finding the nature of his wife 's professional distinctions , but she was not successful .
17 ‘ Where 's Tom ? ’ she noticed her brothers absence as soon as she got back to the house .
18 She bought a few bits and pieces from the post office and was feeling thoroughly deflated by the time she got back to the house .
19 She decided that as soon as she got back to the flat , she 'd call him and apologize .
20 When she got back to the living-room the fire had been replenished , and a small table was set ready for them to eat .
21 She got back to the Lycée at five past eleven ; the doors were not yet shut , and she crept in safely , under the protection of a large party returned from the Opera .
22 Voluntarily then she moved back to the couch from which she had sprung up earlier .
23 She jerked back to the realisation that Niall was speaking .
24 She wandered back to the dressing-table and stood fiddling and picking over every little object on it .
25 Later , she wandered back to the stage .
26 She slunk back to the interrogation room .
27 Over a cup of tea she regaled the old lady with the story of her son and grandchild saving the wounded squirrel , and , leaving her to pass it on to her companions , she drove back to the surgery .
28 Sometimes she came back to the present with a bang to find that one of the girls had asked a question and had received no answer at all because Jenna 's gaze was fixed on the sky outside the window , her mind travelling the road to Paris and Alain .
29 Now , as she came back to the present , Lady Merchiston 's own eyes were on her in a compelling look , demanding an answer .
30 She came back to the north with him after that and they lived together again for a time .
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