Example sentences of "she [verb] her [noun pl] to the " in BNC.

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1 He scrutinised her closely as she lowered her legs to the floor and his hand went out as she stood .
2 As she moved her thumbs to the sensitive muscles where his neck and shoulders joined , she exerted gentle pressure , and warmth flooded through her when he groaned .
3 She described her studies to the AAAS meeting .
4 In the course of a second visit , 1790–1 , she composed her Voyages to the Madeira , and Leeward Caribbean Isles : with Sketches of the Natural History of these Islands ( Edinburgh , 1792 ; Salem , 1802 ) , published with the help of William Smellie [ q.v. ] , who praised its ‘ science , minute observation , [ and ] accurate description ’ .
5 She dropped her eyes to the mug , unable to face his withering scorn .
6 She dropped her eyes to the tablecloth , suddenly confused and deeply ashamed of herself .
7 She dropped her eyes to the desk , staring unseeingly at the ledger lying on the polished wooden surface .
8 She ripped her clothes to the floor .
9 She raises her eyes to the wonder of its beauty , sometimes tilting her head as if listening to the music echoing round her .
10 She swivelled her eyes to the potatoes Léonie was fetching from their earthy resting-place on the larder floor .
11 She opened her eyes to the darkness , a darkness too often populated before sleep by those familiar , reproachful , childish faces , brown , black and white , bending over her , asking why she had deserted them when they loved her and thought that she had loved them .
12 Then she clasped her hands to the seat of her breeches and both hands got covered in the muck .
13 With a small sigh of exasperation she thrust her feet to the floor .
14 She raised her eyes to the sky .
15 She raised her eyes to the weightless tons stacked above their heads .
16 It was only as she was heading out into the road that she raised her eyes to the rear-view mirror .
17 Turmoil raged within her as she battled to find an answer to the seemingly insurmountable dilemma , and she raised her eyes to the grey skies as though a solution could be found there .
18 Hastily averting her eyes from the strong arched column of his tanned throat as he emptied his glass , she retraced her steps to the kitchen .
19 She returned her thoughts to the Danbys .
20 She swung her feet to the floor .
21 Worse still , he was ungrateful : everyone told him that his mother had had a hard life , that she worked her fingers to the bone , but it meant nothing to him .
22 Her face was still sulky and she still sniffed occasionally as she put her feet to the ground .
23 She put her fingers to the top of his brow and traced a three inch scar downwards to the back of his ear , thinking as she did so , and not for the first time , that he had nearly paid dearly for his happiness .
24 She closed her eyes to the image , waiting to hear only the words and shut out the pain .
25 She makes her vows to the goddess .
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