Example sentences of "she [verb] not been [adj] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 She has not been able to get any type of work since , despite applying for eight jobs a week .
2 She 'd not been able to think what to say .
3 He had hardly ever seen her naked since the first days of their marriage , and she had n't been anxious to show herself even then .
4 She had n't been home and she had n't been able to call in .
5 She had n't been able to decide whether he looked Mediterranean , Middle Eastern , or simply overwhelmingly , barbarously alien …
6 It was a pity that she had n't been able to use one of his handkerchiefs , a strand of his hair .
7 And if she had n't been able to judge this from their dress , she would have from their voices as , one following the other , they said , ‘ Good evening . ’
8 He had set down the bag of washing on the floor between his feet , for she had n't been able to manage the washing since last year 's fall .
9 She had n't been able to save Antoinette .
10 She had denied everything , but , as Lori must have known , she had n't been able to save herself by denouncing her cousin .
11 With Julius , though , it had always been so very physical , and she had n't been able to stop herself from responding to that great flood of passion .
12 All those nights when she had n't been able to sleep seemed to be catching up with her .
13 She had n't been able to sleep at all the night before for thinking of him , and some of her thoughts had been unprintable .
14 She bows her head , disappointed that she had n't been able to do more for herself .
15 Anne had seen her going into my room , and she had n't been able to bear it .
16 No wonder she had n't been able to find the door handle .
17 The truth was she had n't been able to face it .
18 But she had n't been able to hear what he said for the roaring in her ears .
19 At the time it had been easy enough to make the pledge he had demanded , since she had n't been able to imagine a situation where she would ever want to attack anyone .
20 For a long time after she had died , she had n't been able to think about her at all , it had been so awful , but now she could .
21 She 'd known that it was childish behaviour on her part , but she had n't been able to help herself .
22 And when she had helped Carole to put Emma and Sophie to bed she had n't been able to prevent tears coming to her eyes while she had listened to them solemnly saying their prayers .
23 She had n't been able to prevent herself from burying her face in the soft wool — and almost groaning out loud in agony as she 'd inhaled the strongly male , musky scent of his cologne .
24 Previously she had n't been able to work out whether he was or not .
25 He could see from her face that that really hurt , and also that it was something she had n't been able to work out satisfactorily for herself .
26 She had n't been able to read the signature at the bottom of the page , and that seemed wrong , somehow .
27 She had n't been able to read anything from the ice-chips that stared back at her .
28 Fabia returned to her room admitting today — where for some unknown reason she had n't been able to admit yesterday — that yes , she was attracted by him , and yes , she did feel drawn to him .
29 All that time , and she had n't been able to get him to look at her .
30 This time the hoof caught me half way up the shin bone , She had n't been able to get so much height into it but it was just as painful .
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