Example sentences of "she [verb] at the [noun sg] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 Like someone in a trance , she gazed at the clasp that fastened it at the throat .
2 She sits at the table and smiles , asking firmly for a solo-brandy and coke in separate glasses .
3 Do you that a child 's mind works in this way , as he or she looks at the world and finds meaning of in it , and are others who are influenced by their own experiences and by their conclusions of others .
4 She snatched at the phone and pressed the buttons of her aunt 's number , but there was no reply .
5 She snatched at the memory but it was too obscure .
6 She snatched at the handle and as she did so the parcel slipped .
7 ‘ I just threatened to blow his ba — ’ She stopped at the look that crossed the Doctor 's face .
8 When Mrs Hollidaye had finished her praying and they were leaving the church , she stopped at the back and showed Dot a book with writing in it .
9 She stopped at the corner as the two scientists approached the doors .
10 She stopped at the crossroads that took her towards her house and , instead of going right , as she normally would , went left towards the outskirts of Grantley .
11 She winced at the thought and concentrated on the toes of her right foot , those tireless weight-lifters and balancers , dusted with rose-scented powder and snuggled into rainbowed socks and patent leather shoes .
12 She confirmed at the weekend that she is to try for election to Europe in next year 's polls in the Conservative marginal Euro-constituency of Bedfordshire South .
13 She turned at the gate and waved to me .
14 She claimed at the time that colleagues had lied in a bid to get her fired because she was unpopular .
15 His dark brown eyes met hers , and she flinched at the ruthlessness that blazed from them .
16 She grinned at the thought and the solemn angles of Ted 's mouth relaxed also .
17 She glanced at the clock and leapt to her feet , her colour deepening at the look in Penry 's eyes as she pulled her jersey over her head .
18 She glanced at the dedication and at the cover .
19 Yet when she arrived , when she knocked at the door and waited outside , bits of the outfit threatened to dissociate , to turn ugly and risible .
20 She shuddered at the recollection and continued .
21 She blushed at the thought that she had half considered it , that the pressure on her hand and admiration had added something to her pleasure , that it had made her feel successful .
22 It would be very awkward if she called at the house and Miss Watson were just about to come over .
23 Though she laughed at the story and denied it completely , reporter Williams claimed to have a hypnotist 's receipt signed by Kylie .
24 Nor had she seen anyone she knew at the airport while she 'd waited for her flight .
25 As she rubbed her hand tiredly across her forehead she stared at the cheque until the writing blurred and danced before her eyes , and every word she had flung at him , every insult , seemed burned indelibly into her brain .
26 She stared at the photograph and immediately saw why he had been attracted to Carrie .
27 Giving up on the sheep , she stared at the curtain that fluttered in the cool breeze through the ill-fitting window and tried to recapture the warmth and pleasure of their lovemaking , the feel of his body moving with hers , but was unable to shut out the infuriating sound of the steady drip into the bucket like Chinese water-torture .
28 She looked at the earpiece and blew some flour off the metal diaphragm .
29 As she did this , she looked at the newspaper and read some of the words on the page … and it was like a terrible dream .
30 Is try and make up a mountain that 's misty , so she looked at the map and began to climb down .
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