Example sentences of "she [verb] [been] [v-ing] for [art] " in BNC.

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1 She has been walking for an hour a day for more than a year , but very slowly .
2 She 'd been writing for the NME , about David Cassidy and things like that but it must have been quite a struggle to get by .
3 Nothing of her true nature , not even — and here Pavel had been holding his breath at the back of the Border Control 's interrogation room — where she 'd been living for the past two years .
4 She 'd been digging for a while when she looked up to swing the stone in her hand on to the pile , and saw Clare standing there .
5 Subconsciously , she realised , she 'd been hoping for a ready answer , an explanation which would clear her niggling doubts …
6 She had been hoping for a ‘ jobs Budget ’ to fulfil a great need in East Anglia where there had been a big increase in unemployment .
7 Sophie 's voice dipped in disappointment , as if she had been hoping for a graphic account of overturned furniture and blood on the walls .
8 Her East Coast American accent deceived most people , it was so like , and yet in some ways so unlike , that of the society in which she had been living for the last six months .
9 She had been meaning for an age to get a dimmer fitted .
10 In a taped interview with Jill Jones , Head of Science in a comprehensive , which I shall quote from several times , I asked her , after she had been talking for a while about the frustrations , what made it all worthwhile .
11 She had never mentioned that she possessed musical ability , so the crew listened spellbound for a few minutes as she played the carol ‘ Silent Night , Holy Night ’ , as though she had been rehearsing for a month .
12 In the launderette it was warm and cosy ; here Maggie made friends and fans and she had inconsequential conversations which mysteriously made her a member of the local community in a way she had never been when she had been fighting for the area 's well-being .
13 Now , however , she sat up in bed and wondered , as she had been wondering for the last few days , what had happened to the spider .
14 She had been yearning for a baby for 20 years after her only other child , another boy , was killed in a car crash as a teenager .
15 She 's been speaking for the first time on camera following her release from prison , exclusively to Central News .
16 Since she left school she 's been working for the Fish Co-operative in Stockholm Backs , not far from Riddle 's yard . ’
17 She 's been missing for a week , was going to marry a rising Minister , successful career , everything coming up roses .
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