Example sentences of "she [verb] [to-vb] [prep] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Two years later she applied to nurse in the Boer War and died from typhoid fever at Simonstown , aged 37 .
2 A baby was the last thing she expected to see in the servants ' quarters , especially as Rosa looked far beyond her child-bearing years .
3 However , this morning Beth Christie was brighter than usual ; she planned to shop for the dinner party she was holding later in the week .
4 Along with a Chinese freelance photographer , Cavell had called for her that morning and whisked her round some of Taipei 's famous landmarks , the all-marble Chiang Kai-Shek Memorial , a colourful Buddhist temple , and the Grand Hotel with its magnificent Chinese architecture , pausing only long enough at each for the young man to take the photos that would help introduce Maria to the Taipei public , before escorting her back to the apartment and approving the outfit she planned to wear to the dinner the radio station was hosting for the rest of the local media that night .
5 Speaking in the bar of a five-star hotel in Marbella , Yasmin Gibson , a bit-part actress , said that even though her daughter Gemma was now in the care of the local authority , she planned to stay on the Costa del Sol until the end of her holiday in two weeks .
6 Would she want to know about the flowering of the pink camellia and its glossy leaves , about the goat running away , about the double-yolked egg ?
7 By the time that was over Constanza was in a fatalistic mood , she agreed to wait until the autumn .
8 But in the end she agreed to go with the Pitts to the local police station to express concern about the absentees .
9 The lift they entered was crowded , forcing them to stand close together , the brush of Luke 's jacket sleeve against her bare arm adding to the difficulty of trying to sort out what she was going to say to him before she agreed to get into the car with him .
10 Prunskiene , who had resigned as Prime Minister on Jan. 8 , 1991 [ see p. 37944 ] , consistently denied the accusations ( made in April — see p. 38880 ) , claiming that a document bearing her signature in which she agreed to work for the KGB was a forgery and that the trial was politically motivated .
11 I went to see a debt counsellor and she agreed to come to the bank with me .
12 She bent to tug at the covering , found it securely fastened .
13 If she wants to go down the road making life more unpleasant then then we got down that road as well and she 'll be the loser
14 If she wants to go on the mailing list , just cut that bit off and fill that in and post it on to us .
15 she wants to go to the toilet .
16 Harriet plucks me by the sleeve and whispers , ‘ Mummy , what will Tracey 's Gran do now she 's dead , if she wants to go to the loo ? ’
17 She has just under £1 billion to spend and when she wants to go to the zoo she can chose between the two Christina and her husband Thierry bought for her .
18 Well well Bryony says she wants to go in the buggy .
19 Ring Sally now then , cos she wants to put in the bath with her .
20 " She wants to move to the country .
21 Well , because we have a very flexible course , a modular course which is made up of units , it 's , it 's possible to almost fit anybody into our course , so in fact she 's met one of our specialists and the analysis had been done of what she 's done before , what she wants to do in the future to try and match up the whole thing ; only she knows exactly what she 's doing .
22 He wants sex , she wants to look around the place and make condescending remarks .
23 If she wants to work for the organization I 'm sure we 'll find something suitable for her . "
24 She tried to gloss over the humiliation of it .
25 She tried to pray through the fever , feeling her head trapped in a web of red-hot wires , but there was no sign of them .
26 She tried to lean on the field .
27 She had tears in her eyes as she tried to recover from the laughter .
28 But more often than not she would climb the stairs — however many flights there might be — as she felt panic rising within her as soon as she tried to step into the lift .
29 If I were to die , she thought , there is nobody to find me , perhaps for days and weeks , for we do not have visitors , and my mother would die too , of fright or starvation or a broken limb , after her voice gave out in screaming , and she tried to struggle from the bed .
30 She picks it up and she tried to get in the bath with some of my daughters the other day .
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