Example sentences of "she [verb] [adv] [adv] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 He meant , among other things , are you living with anyone ? and she knew it , but she cared too much for the day together to tell him one way or the other .
2 She had been in some tight spots with her work but this had hit her hard because she cared very much about the girl .
3 She got up slowly from the table , washed up the mug , and stood for some time absolutely still , staring .
4 So she got up slowly from the floor , the last few sobs still springing unbidden up her throat , and without looking round at the disordered room once more , she picked up her lamp and went down to her bedroom to change .
5 She got up stiffly from the table , with one last look at the scowling form of the man trying to work a way out of his hopeless situation , then walked slowly , limping a little , over the scratched glass floor of the room to the bright chill of the balcony .
6 Agnes began to cry , quietly at first , then it mounted into sobs , then almost into hysteria and in it she gabbled out incoherently to the three gaping sisters what had transpired from the time she had taken the linen across to the house .
7 And , as she peered more closely into the mirror , she could see that it was drawing closer .
8 A column entitled ‘ Bulletin ’ informs her that Marilyn French will be discussing her new book , Beyond Power : Women , Men and Morals , at a public meeting to be held later in the week in London , and it crosses Robyn 's mind , not for the first time , that it is a pity she lives so far from the metropolis where such exciting events are always happening .
9 Maybe , she reflected , storming round her room to throw some clothes into her suitcase , it was because she rose so satisfactorily to the bait ?
10 During the show that night , she tried so hard in the second song , which was now ‘ The Last Rose of Summer ’ that her voice cracked on ‘ No rosebud is nigh ’ .
11 She moved purposefully away to the group who lay in the darkness under the cypress trees , or sat on the walls and steps of the garden , and began to activate them so that a light dress , or white pair of jeans could be seen jigging about in the night that had suddenly fallen .
12 She moved so fast to the door he had no time for even one step .
13 In any French town of any size at all we find perhaps three or four rival charcutiers displaying trays of shining olives , black and green , large and small , pickled gherkins , capers , home-made mayonnaise grated carrot salad , shredded celeriac in rémoulade sauce , several sorts of tomato salad , sweet-sour onions , champignons à la Grecque , ox or pig 's muzzle finely sliced and dressed with a vinaigrette sauce and fresh parsley , a salad of mussels , another of cervelas sausage ; several kinds of pork pâté ; sausages for grilling , sausages for boiling , sausages for hors-d'oeuvre , flat sausages called cré pinettes for baking or frying , salt pork to enrich stews and soups and vegetable dishes , pigs ' trotters ready cooked and breadcrumbed , so that all you need to do is to take them home and grill them ; cooked ham , raw ham , a galantine of tongue , cold pork and veal roasts , boned stuffed ducks and chickens So it is n't difficult for the housewife in a hurry to buy a little selection , however modest , of these things from the charcuterie , and plus her own imagination and something she has perhaps already in the larder to serve an appetizing and fresh little mixed hors-d'oeuvre .
14 She stopped short just inside the kitchen door , startled and alarmed to see such a change in Elizabeth .
15 It was because she had known the contagion of the one that she entered so passionately into the incorruptibility of the other .
16 Well she chunters on just for the sake of talking !
17 She tensed up immediately at the prospect of seeing him again , but when she turned right round her heart flipped idiotically in her chest .
18 As she drove back home through the traffic , memories of her father 's authoritarian presence , vigorously admonishing her for the sinfulness of some childlike request , filled her mind with pain and loathing .
19 She came along sedately in the middle of the night in complete confidence , the umbrella raised and perfect , with a look of absolute bliss on her face to show her mother what she had got for a present .
20 She came back slowly towards the house .
21 She came home early from the office , and she has locked herself in her room .
22 I hope she wakes as calmly in the other world ! ’
23 Riding under the low branches of a tree , she dropped backwards flat on the horse 's back , with her feet on its shoulders .
24 She hauled so hard on the tiller that the ketch swung dizzily to the opposite tack .
25 She acts particularly well in the first scene
26 She turned round slowly on the spot , critically examining the contours of the park 's three little hills ( like molehills , Clare told herself ) against the grey sky .
27 Having negotiated the traffic bridge , she turned left again on the other side of the river to wobble along the tow-path .
28 She had tried to sound breezy , but her voice cracked , and she turned swiftly away from the sudden concern in Mandy 's big green eyes .
29 She turned back quickly into the house , closed and bolted the door and strode across to the telephone .
30 Then she walked away quickly along the path to the car park .
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