Example sentences of "she [verb] [verb] into the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The lift they entered was crowded , forcing them to stand close together , the brush of Luke 's jacket sleeve against her bare arm adding to the difficulty of trying to sort out what she was going to say to him before she agreed to get into the car with him .
2 But more often than not she would climb the stairs — however many flights there might be — as she felt panic rising within her as soon as she tried to step into the lift .
3 Unless she sees a local advertisement , she will have little knowledge of job opportunity and if she has moved into the district from elsewhere , she may have difficulty in assessing the employment prospects .
4 She has come into the Chamber in the past five minutes .
5 If she 'd jumped into the water she 'd have made a splash . ’
6 They did n't see the second passenger because she 'd fallen into the well between the front and back seats .
7 It had echoed after she 'd left him , as she 'd turned into the archway in the wall and passed through the shrubbery of azaleas and magnolias and tree mallows , as she 'd passed through the drawing-room and the hall .
8 Roz got up to answer it , and when she 'd vanished into the lounge , Hatch added , ‘ Jack 'll never show .
9 When the evening had ended she 'd disappeared into the pub toilet and from there she 'd disappeared , full stop .
10 She 'd hopped into the living-room a few minutes after Sergeant Joe had gone out to have a few words with Archie Cousins .
11 When no one answered her , she came stamping into the room with a scowl on her face .
12 Although he had not recognized her immediately Fleury had noticed Chloe a moment earlier as she came trotting into the clearing ; since he had last set eyes on her Chloe 's golden curls had grown foul and matted and in places mange had already begun to remove them ; a cloud of flies followed her and every few yards she stopped to scratch .
13 ‘ Mummy , that simply is n't true , ’ Madeleine said as she came hurrying into the drawing-room .
14 She seemed to purr into the telephone " Have you got any news ? "
15 She began to relax into the massage almost immediately .
16 She started to climb into the cockpit .
17 Consequently she kept digging into the supply of tissues that Lee kept on the marble slab in the kitchen .
18 But next day she dared to go into the kitchen , under the fearsome eye and flying spoons of Iain Reamhar ; Fat Iain ; the only man of the clan bigger than Ewan Beg .
19 And because I 'd let her fall off , she would n't be allowed to be a nun any more , because she had fallen into the lake of mud and I knew you could n't be a nun unless your clothes were clean .
20 Parking in a restricted zone , she had rushed into the concourse .
21 Exploring the house on the following day or the day after that , she had ventured into the Deathbed Room .
22 AS A small girl Arden saw A Flea in Her Ear and knew she had to go into the theatre .
23 I smiled smugly at her because she had to go into the rain and I did not .
24 ’ Alice was beginning to get very tired of sitting by her sister on the bank and of having nothing to do ; once or twice she had peeped into the book her sister was reading , but it had no pictures or conversations in it' and what is the use of a book' thought Alice , 'without pictures or conversation ? ' . ’
25 Then she had gone into the garden and played cricket with Oliver , running up and down and laughing very loudly so that they should hear her next door and know she was n't tired at all .
26 Philippa got up from the chair she had brought into the kitchen , went to take the cloth from Lee 's lap , decided against it , and started to wipe up the insidious liquid with tissues .
27 I had been aware on visits of the changes she had brought into the house , in the food which was more elaborate , recipes culled from women 's magazines , the odd touches about the place , the fact that the bowl full of bulbs was placed on a mat , there were extra arm covers on the chairs , a lace cloth on the chest of drawers in my room , everything had to be protected .
28 She had told Tilly the whole story , about the man she adored , and whose child she had brought into the world .
29 The woman was in black stilettoes , walking slowly and evidently in pain — as if she had walked into the country in inappropriate shoes and was blistered and had a long way to go , as if this hot summer wind from the chalk hills was almost too much for her .
30 Rose , who had n't any recollection of the Leesons , had been surprised by Jane Leeson 's expression when she had walked into the shop .
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