Example sentences of "we [vb mod] not [vb infin] [pers pn] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 This too is research , even though we may not honour it with the name .
2 ‘ Yes , a pattern , of course we may not find it at once — ’
3 We should not advise him in what circumstances the claim would be covered under the policy .
4 As the carpet has been in satisfactory use for some years , we should not expect it to be the actual cause of trouble .
5 It is what makes the difference between the phrase ( 30 ) , where the first-order relation is of course qualification , and the completeness of ( 31 ) : ( 30 ) lucky Gomez ( 31 ) Gomez is lucky Similarly , this is the difference which opposes ( 32 ) and ( 33 ) , where the relation assigned is equation rather than qualification : ( 32 ) the broker , a man in a grey suit ( 33 ) the broker was a man in a grey suit The notion of " completeness " may seem vague ; again , however , we should not expect it to be defined more closely for the very good reason that fundamental notions — and we take assignment together with equation and qualification , along with the ideas of entity and property , to be the bedrock of linguistic structure — do not allow themselves to be defined .
6 The majority of people accept this because the state , by excluding these killings from the murder category , has signified its intention that we should not treat them as capital offenders .
7 We should not do it for our sex .
8 We should not blame him for being a man of his time but commend him for his remarkable vision and altruism .
9 Another reason that we should be against the Labour party is that we should not put them in a position to buck the trend .
10 The idea of taxing what most people regard as their birthright , fresh air , is startling , but perhaps Tolba is right : we should not take it for granted .
11 We must not blame him for this for he is a product of the evolution which used that very ruthlessness to make him just what he is , and what we all are at the beginning of our lives .
12 ‘ True , we must not put them in more danger than is needful .
13 That is the one thing that really matters in the House and we must not undermine it in our negotiations .
14 When I came home late after working overtime they 'd say , ‘ she is not a good woman we must not keep her in our house . ’
15 We work all year round but ca n't work on the uplands during the winter months — we might not see it for six to eight weeks .
16 We could not deduce it from within our universe .
17 It could produce scarring and for that reason we could not use it on babies ' delicate skin . ’
18 That is true , but it does not issue in the conclusion that we do not ordinarily have and use the given conception of a causal circumstance , or that we could not use it in the confirmation of causal hypotheses .
19 Brook ruled this out : ‘ I do not , however , favour this suggestion — we could not adopt it without undertaking a review of the Cabinet Committee organisation and that always takes a substantial time , as so many Ministers and others have to be consulted .
20 We get so many people who have never ridden before , therefore we dare not put them on anything that is too high-spirited . ’
21 Striking though the industrial revival was we need not examine it in detail .
22 I think that we shall not beat him in set battle , the Bruce taught us that , surely …
23 We shall not use it on parasites , since that would be in direct conflict with your own programme ’ .
24 We would not leave it to the discretion of the doctors but , acting on the best medical advice , set down what drugs could be prescribed and those that could not .
25 If we were to refer to the light , we would not associate it with an individual object .
26 Gravity is the weakest of the four forces by a long way ; it is so weak that we would not notice it at all were it not for two special properties that it has : it can act over large distances , and it is always attractive .
27 At least , if the resources in question were printed ones we would not consider it at all acceptable for teachers to be compiling course bibliographies solely from their own publications .
28 ‘ If we did not feel 100 per cent positive about our ability to fly the plane safely , we would not put it in the air . ’
29 Those of us who live in south-east London not three miles from King 's Cross know that if we were taking our children to meet a continental train , or if we were taking elderly parents or grandparents to meet the train , we would not take them to King 's Cross , because we could not park there or get them near the platforms .
30 In the case of a level tone , syllables following in the tail will , of course , continue at the same level ; since level tone is to be treated as a rather unusual type of tone , we will not examine it in more detail at this stage .
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