Example sentences of "we [vb mod] be [v-ing] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ The Independent claims it has lost just 2pc , which not only undermines their submission to the OFT , but also indicates we may be expanding the market and attracting a number of lapsed broadsheet readers back to the fold . ’
2 I also feel , Brian , we may be avoiding the question that or the part of this question which some of our listeners may be particularly interest in , and Bob did touch upon it , which is have things changed much in democracy in the classroom , is there a change ?
3 While supporting the practitioners ' role as proxy for the patient in purchasing , there is a need to recognise the limitations of this , and wherever possible we should be seeking the opinion of the public .
4 Mrs er has er actually said that we should be getting some more money and then she spoilt it by saying we should be using the money we have n't got more er better use it and er maybe knocking the traffic li er islands out will save us a problem cos we 'll get a few kids knocked down and we wo n't have to bother with em .
5 We should be using the £10,000 million that is spent on Trident to create jobs in the United Kingdom and to improve our national health service .
6 The remit with regard to the er one day seminar , it was suggested at the last meeting er that it would be useful if the activists of the free union actually got together held a one day seminar or training course whatever terminology you like to put on it er to actually educate ourselves on how we should be conducting the campaign basically .
7 We should be building the Wales team around him , like the Australians built theirs around Nick Farr-Jones .
8 But , we , we really need to er , put the cart before the horse , or the horse before the cart as you may say , I mean , we are now being told by the leader of the Conservative group , that er , we 're going to , we , we should be supporting the idea of amateur parish constables .
9 We should be supporting the right to seek independent legal advice in support of an asylum application .
10 We were wrong to look for redress from others when we should be taking the wrong done to our master upon ourselves .
11 We 've said all along that staffing the community centre should be reduced er and that we should be encouraging the community to take more interest in running their community centres .
12 We need to decide whether we should be upholstering the chair at all .
13 Obviously I agree with you that we should be putting the kids in challenging situations where that they 've got ta rise to the occasion and use language in an effective way , but I do n't know whether this is the best way , these er er er , you know , a series of how much space of you got ?
14 Erm we 'll be flying the flag on on those I tell you yeah .
15 We 'll be bringing the show to you live from Sydney , Australia , at the end of January , to mark Australia Day , and we 're looking for two couples , they can be husband and wife , mother and daughter , father and son , any combination you like , even a couple of friends , we 're looking for two couples to come to Australia with the show , and to act as roving reporters .
16 Soon we 'll be helping the environment in some new ways .
17 We 'll be seeing the E F T A T colleagues on Thursday , I hope you 'll give them a very very warm welcome .
18 We 'll be drawing the winner out of the hat on Friday night .
19 In a moment we 'll be hearing the Home Secretary 's comments on the problem .
20 And in a minute we 'll be passing the Tower of London . ’
21 I 've informed him that we 'll be taking the place over in the near future , but not why , naturally . ’
22 So we er , we 'll be highlighting that for you later , and er , we 'll be discussing the issues .
23 In future we will not be accepting any similar adverts and we 'll be donating the revenue from this advert to the RSPCA .
24 Oh agents exist in different forms really , erm I 'm gon na be , we 'll be mentioning the notion of political agents in central government later er in , in , in ce in general elections later on .
25 Welcome back : In a few minutes we 'll be meeting the teenager who 's joined the elite in the world of magic .
26 We 'll be picketing the gates in an orderly legal fashion and trying to persuade people not to go in . ’
27 Together we 'll be walking the New York Marathon in '91 .
28 and we 'll be following the duke as he moves to his new stables at Jackdaw 's castle … finally tonight we 're off sailing …
29 This week , we 'll be examining the need for bypasses more closely , and asking why so much freight is carried by road .
30 And this morning we 're presenting two activists with the gold badge the women and the men 's and during the course of the week , we 'll be presenting the youth award to one of our young members .
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