Example sentences of "we [was/were] [v-ing] [prep] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 I said to a companion while we were wandering around the city .
2 We were wandering round the Zoo at the time , and a small boy dropped his ice-cream cone down my Courreges boot .
3 Political and historical competence — we were quarrelling with the Communists before anyone else — and also on professional competence .
4 But that was in Lincolnshire , where we were living at the time .
5 My father was in the army , we were living in the country , and she stayed and worked in London .
6 I am a clerk in the service of His Most Christian Majesty , King Francis I. We were passing through the village and we heard that the cure had visitors . ’
7 The fact that we were looking towards the United States might have been an acceptable concept during the war , but it has been an unacceptable concept for the past 12 years , during which Europe has been creating itself and showing an enthusiasm for a single European currency and a central bank and for increasing the powers of the European Community 's institutions .
8 Cast your minds back , last week we were looking at the relationship between price elasticity of demand and marginal revenue , and what that relationship could tell us about er prices and total revenue in an industry .
9 On our first night in France , exhausted after a ferry crossing , we just happened to fetch up in this little village on the Loire , in a hotel on the second floor of a hotel where , indeed , we opened the shutters — and we were looking at the west end of the Romanesque Abbey of St Benoit sur Loire , which is a most striking church where the remains of the saint are interred in a little casket in the crypt .
10 Is th another area that I did n't cover actually when when we were looking at the flats was erm , some people have s have around said that erm flats when they were first up in the first few years , erm were a contrast with the later years , in that erm they did n't have many of the problems , Many of the problems associated with the flats now , didn we were not in existence in the early days of the flats .
11 and maybe , you know , that 's not such a good thing , but we were looking at the Phillips , erm
12 We were looking at the issue but there was no commitment from us , ’ said a senior British official .
13 Previously we were looking at the way in which the colour order for pattern is decided by the Creation 6 program and took a pattern all the way through to the ‘ Knit a pattern ’ menu , ready to transfer directly across to the machine console .
14 Erm we are not going any further than that erm we the debate this morning erm we were looking at the differences between ourselves and then for example Selby District of what what they would like to see which was er certainly more than growth oriented the County Council 's proposals are .
15 Erm we approached the first project we were looking at the information we had available er , looking at the strength of the work a lot of information As you can see the er and , and looking at the er a definite lack of
16 Last week , for example we were looking at the mind boggling distances that we encounter when we journey across the universe .
17 And I was in a ca , er school over the summer holidays and er , we were looking at the design and technology and the point was that they got ta design and make some components , and realise I 'm talking about , you know , six , seven , eight year old , mixed girls and boys theirselves , and it was ra rather heart-warming to see where the way these youngsters react .
18 Note that if we were looking across the board from left to right the rig would still be relatively upright , as it is being pushed well forwards thereby supplying maximum power .
19 We were belonging to the territorials then .
20 ‘ We said that if David was out , then we were all out and would n't play against Bournemouth because we were sticking with the players still owed money .
21 We were riding on the seat of our pants , ’
22 Later , when we were riding along the road , I said , ‘ The last time we were in Oxford , I heard some talk in the town .
23 We were early for the service at Chelsea Register Office , so we were riding along the Embankment .
24 We were acting under the authority of the Security Council for the purpose authorised by the Security Council , and that did not extend to the invasion of Iraq otherwise than for the purpose of driving it out of Kuwait .
25 WE WERE sailing from the Queensland port of Cairns to go diving on the Great Barrier Reef .
26 One morning , as we were sailing round the Cape of Good Hope , they attacked me and tied me up .
27 One day we were crouching by the gardener 's bonfire ( his pride was that the fire smouldered day and night and never went out ) .
28 They erm wa when we to we , we were staying at the Claremont and I do n't , oh , I think we just decided we 'd find a cup of coffee .
29 We were listening to the Woodstock tape today
30 After a few moments the snuffles and grunts were overlaid by a voice explaining in sympathetically conspiratorial tones that we were listening to the sounds made by mating koalas in the Pilliga Nature Reserve in New South Wales .
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