Example sentences of "we [vb base] in the [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Well we we ca n't say o overall but we started in a very small way but on average Dennis we raise in the region of two thousand pounds a year .
2 We all found him interesting , so when we lay in the sun after lunch , the white gravel covering our backs with powdery marks , his fighting demonstrations were keenly attended .
3 What had come to the poets in their most serene or passionate moments we glided into as easily as we gathered flowers for Maud or Blanche or Mabel , as we lay in the grass with our eyes divided between the books , the land and the clouds .
4 But what if at the moment of birth the whole of one 's life to come were to flash before one 's eyes and then to be immediately wiped away , forgotten , while we laboriously go through all the pleasures and sorrows , all the hopes and frustrations that make up a life , meeting people and parting from them , listening to them and speaking to them , to go through tasting all we taste in the course of our long lives , seeing all we see , every leaf at every moment and every cloud at every moment , and hearing all we hear , the hooting of every car and the singing of every bird and every performance of the Brandenburg concertos , go through all that , in time , very slowly , though we had already been through it all , every moment of it , leaf , cloud , concerto , in one brief but intense instant , everything perfectly formed but over in less than a second ?
5 To demonstrate , then , that prices are inflexible in the sense that we mean in the remainder of this chapter , it has to be established that the price may deviate from its equilibrium value over a given interval .
6 We sit in the lounge off his bedroom , on the top floor of the hotel , smoking Js and drinking whisky .
7 ‘ The tabloids are the tabloids , ’ Mister C concludes later as we sit in the bar after the soundcheck .
8 We sit in the living-room for half an hour while members of the family drift by , sleepy-eyed , preparing for work and school .
9 A third advantage , pointed out by Labov ( 1981 : 25 ) , is that ‘ by emphasising deeper studies of groups and social networks , we gain in the possibility of explaining linguistic behaviour ’ , in other words , we might derive insights into why a speaker 's language occupies a particular position in a wider social structure .
10 Because of the importance which we place in the development of our quality system , the Consultative Paper was sent to all Scottish colleges , secondary schools and institutes of Higher Education , to all professional and technical bodies , to industry Lead Bodies , to trade unions and to local and national government bodies .
11 like er we have sinned against our fellow men , you know that one we say in the prayer of confession .
12 … not only on account of the manner of its content but also on account of the manner of its distribution , have the effect of a red rag upon the Gallic bull ; … it is important that we should be the party attacked and this Gallic overweening and touchiness will make us if we announce in the face of Europe … that we fearlessly meet the public threats of France …
13 For a few moments the clouds open and we lie in the heat of a hazy sun , our efforts justly rewarded .
14 We stand in the clearing amongst the watchful eyes , the listless , standing bodies , still sober and milling about us .
15 But one we assume in the derivation of the precise result for h/Ne 2 , with which experiment agrees very well .
16 We wake in the night with a churning mind and it seems that nothing will settle the anxiety .
17 The question for the nation and this House is whether we participate in the process of union or stand aside .
18 I wonder how many letters we get in the course of a month , Chris and Chris , Colin , Andrew , I wonder how many letters they get in the course of a month , which start of with the famous words , your salesman said because this is what they go out to say .
19 But what we find in the resurrection of Jesus is not something that originates from the natural processes of life , but something that constitutes a unique event .
20 Thus we find in the tradition of observational analysis ( which in Britain and America is often taken as sociology tout court ) a developing interest in cultural institutions at that point when , through actual social developments in the modern press , cinema and broadcasting , there were major institutions and their products which could be studied by already generally available methods .
21 We 're extraordinarily elusive about what exactly we believe in the Church of Scotland , we say , you know recognizing liberty of opinion always , and such things as do not enter into the substance of the faith , and then we do n't say what the substance of the faith is .
22 In the same way , we should declare that we believe in the existence of God even when all the evidence is that such belief is absurd .
23 In challenging this we believe in the unity of the working class .
24 We believe in the justice of the bill …
25 After an uneventful visit to the thirty-seven villagers of Karpasha , we arrive in the village of Kormakiti , which has 215 residents .
26 Shortly after this , we arrive in the village of Câmara de Lobos ( 9km ) , an attractive fishing village so named because Zarco saw seals here ( lobos means ‘ wolves ’ , i.e. ‘ sea wolves ’ ) .
27 It seems strange that , when we arrive in the Garden of Eden , the only humans we encounter seem so distant to us .
28 At night we gather in the bar before hitting the nightspots of Lloret 's West End , or getting together with the other hotels for a party or disco night .
29 It is a striking fact that in mania the adult with his manifold potentialities of action and reaction reproduces the uninhibited instinctual manifestations which we observe in the euphoria of the satiated suckling .
30 We share in the sorrow of his family and our thoughts are with them .
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