Example sentences of "we [vb base] [adv] [verb] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 A fourth and perhaps the largest reason for attending to causation is that we do well to avoid the general conceptual uncertainty that must be part of an inquiry which leaves undefined any of its fundamental ideas which are open to definition .
2 Alright , we 've just got the green ones .
3 ‘ Bryan uses seven or eight Strats and a couple of Gretsches — a green one and we 've just got the orange one . ’
4 I think we 've just found the soft underbelly of the Spinward Corporation . ’
5 So how on earth can there be a libidinal dimension in a group or a crowd whereas we 've already said the minimum number is three and actual number of course is vastly greater .
6 there are representation which I do need to put forward , er we 've already had the supplementary report outlining the subject on
7 We 've already had the National Front and the Liberals round , and they were very interesting , so now it 's your turn .
8 We 've already paid the ordinary renewal fee , but do you think we should also have libel slander and officials indemnity ?
9 We 've recently used the front room as a lounge so we have three residents eating in there , three to four eating in one of the other lounges .
10 We 've had lectures in the biology area , in physics , in engineering and in chemistry , so that we 've really spanned the whole shooting match really as far as that goes , and of course we try to put something into these lectures for those doing the most advanced work in the sixth form and also for those doing O levels , let's say , and some who are younger even than that .
11 We have already heard the hon. Member for Staffordshire , South ( Mr. Cormack ) suggest that there should be a further element which would take into account the length of time that someone has lived in a house .
12 We have already covered the various methods of filtration .
13 We have already examined the Human Relations approach to organisations , and this is a precursor to examining what it is that motivates people to perform within organisations .
14 We have already noticed the new weight that the Reformation came to place upon the Bible .
15 We have already seen the phallic symbolism of the plough in Dame Sirith and the Shipman 's Tale ; it is thematically appropriate that the Miller should swear by " " the oxen in my plogh " " when considering in his prologue whether he may be a cuckold or not ( 3151 – 62 ) .
16 We have already seen the theoretical differences between this and earlier forms of convergence .
17 Not as parties intend it ( we have already endured the required bipartisan bleatings about youth and moral crusades ) but with the deeper meaning of structural renovation .
18 We have already noted the key instrumentalist arguments about capitalist domination of input politics above ( pp. 229–33 ) .
19 We have already noted the Japanese inward investment reaction .
20 We have already noted the erotic fantasies of men like Jelinger Symons over the appearance and behaviour of the pit girls .
21 We have already considered the varying aims for schooling , and the circumstances under which it is carried out .
22 We have already established the Keynesian view that an increase in the money supply will lead to the purchase of financial assets .
23 We have already identified the inverse relationship which exists between price and yield .
24 We have already flagged the very language used to address a set of urban issues as a central problem .
25 In other words , we have already learnt the painful lesson that , despite all the kind words and good intentions , for most practical purposes society has already written our children off .
26 We have already discussed the generalized approach , where the geometry is unknown , in earlier sections of this chapter .
27 We have previously characterised the rectal mucosa associated microflora of patients with ulcerative colitis .
28 We have also seen the complex procedures whereby under the influence of their stage of life , the economics of boy labour was thought to affect adolescents ' social behaviour , which was usually defined in terms of their personality .
29 We have also explored the left-inclined critique of responsible party government and pluralism , so highlighting the extent to which theory is up against theory as much as any theory is assessed up against facts .
30 We have also encouraged the new secretary-general to reform the secretariat and we applaud his first achievements in that area .
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