Example sentences of "we [vb base] [adv] at the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ And that 's why it 's vitally important we retaliate right at the start . ’
2 All these kinds of ambiguity can interact We look here at the interaction of anaphor resolution with word sense and with structural ambiguity resolution .
3 Our discussion of this toc is very limited , though we look again at the subject , also briefly , in 2.10 .
4 If we look also at the review sections , we see that already in the 1920s McKerrow takes the view that a " great period of discovery is rapidly coming to an end : " an age of English scholarship is passing , if not already passed " .
5 We look briefly at the phenomenon of " temping " by Secretarial/office staff in the South East of England , before concentrating in some detail on the particular case of contract computer staff .
6 ( c ) For completeness , we look briefly at the case where A is defective .
7 When we look closely at the plants and animals depicted on frescoes and vases , many of them are not really very lifelike .
8 But your Major alas … ’ ‘ … while we look not at the things which are seen but at the things which are not seen : for the things which are seen are temporal ; but the things which are not seen are eternal … ’
9 If we look back at the exchange between the piano movers , for example , we can see that the verbs ( 's goin , 's got to take , ai n't goin' , do n't , come on ) are all in the present ( although they refer to the future ) .
10 This is ambitious , and if we look back at the scope of the information skills , it is subversive to present-day teaching .
11 Still , we make fun of the titanic , we look back at the romans-christians thing with a sense of romance … why not the munich ‘ disaster ’ .
12 In the first of three parts we look back at the working life of country people featured in ’ Twenty-Four Square Miles ’
13 As the date of the General Election approaches , we look back at the Tories ' record on housing and mortgage rates .
14 We look now at the method adopted in Belfast ( parallel to Labov 's telephone survey ) of complementing , by means of a rather wider but shallower study , the detailed information collected in the five communities .
15 So if we look now at the example we 've got here .
16 If we look only at the output we may not learn anything , because if everyone is putting in the right amount of effort the system may still work in the same way as the arrow in the drawing does eventually find its way in the right direction .
17 If we look only at the surface of this transaction , it wo n't make sense to us .
18 If we look out at the sky why ca n't we see stars during the day ?
19 ‘ While we dig away at the front , ’ I said .
20 Say if we do n't get it right at the beginning what we get out at the end can be very successful .
21 We then had to get back to the car , and after a detour that took in just about all of the countryside , we arrive back at the airport for the flight home .
22 We arrive now at the crux of the matter , and it is described as follows : ’ The actual decisions are made by the Directors of each agency separately . ’
23 We turn left at the foot and come panting onto a platform where there 's only one old man sitting in his grandfather 's overcoat and he looks like he 's settled for the night .
24 We go right at the top here .
25 We aim straight at the art of The Possessed by observing that the follow-up , I 'm a lukewarm man , or I 'm an indifferent , an apathetic man , is beyond Stavrogin .
26 We pull up at the door of the drum player 's house in a middle-class suburb of La Paz .
27 You may say we 've robbed Peter to pay Paul , and there 's some truth in that , but we have n't at the end of the day gone further than that .
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