Example sentences of "we [modal v] have [verb] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Our shop at work has sold out of the Torygraph today , so we may have to wait for the latest standings .
2 We may have to wait until the third one .
3 Not er not my understanding , the the and I think there is a we may have hit on the perhaps the only the only error in the whole , all the figures in this table , there should be a minus clearly in front of the three point six seven in that table .
4 After the birth , any desires we may have to rise above the physical mire are crushed as nappy-changing , spurting milk and sticky fingers involve us well and truly in the messy side of life .
5 ‘ If we were to look at the constitutional situation we may have to look at the position of the Princess Royal .
6 We should spend more time trying to bring whatever expertise we may have to bear on the subject in question .
7 As George Male points out : ‘ It was done to foil any over-confidence we may have had for the next game , for he knew the opposition would go all out against us after our big win .
8 Erm but that 's if you just progr project forward where we are cos we used up in , in three months what we should have done for the whole year so you 've only got ta do that , so we 've done a hundred thousand pounds this first quarter and if you 've four more , three more quarters there 's another three hundred thousand pounds over budget .
9 In respect of in public services , it was a minefield for a long time and perhaps we did not react as we should have done in the early eighties .
10 We should have realized at the time that in the emergency of AD 196 there would not have been time to build walls round town defences .
11 We should have headed for the nearest faux French bistro , be we had not finished our ‘ 89 Cloudy Bay Sauvignon blanc which nobody could spoil , so we sat it out .
12 We should have gone with the others .
13 I think we should have said at the first the very first lesson , they just ploughed straight into did n't they ?
14 We should have eaten at the pub .
15 The odd thing was that once on reciprocal we should have passed near the Koln area , with its attendant flak and searchlights , but not a sign .
16 Here we consider the economics of the project — perhaps the most important of the arguments that will be aired at the Inquiry — and the lessons that we should have learned from the world 's most serious civil reactor accident so far , that at Three Mile Island .
17 One would be if- I will not say the Labour Party but the extreme Labour Party — were to get so powerful that it would be a menace and we should have thrown on the other scale all that was moderate in the Liberal Party as well as our own Party .
18 The question whether we should have proceeded with the Gulf war is another issue , but I remind the House of the repeated statements by my right hon. Friend , President Bush and others as to the limited purpose of that operation .
19 And of course another very clear example of the overlap between domestic concerns and international concerns is Maastricht and the great debate that 's gone on in Britain about whether or not we should have agreed to the Maastricht Treaty .
20 We 'll have to go to the notaire . ’
21 If you 're not better by sort of Tuesday , Wednesday we 'll have to go to the doctor 's get you some antibiotics .
22 Well we 'll have to see on the bread .
23 We 'll have to return to the Rorim with you now . ’
24 and I says then we 'll have to come in the back and all them dishes standing there and , and that 's one thing John hates , if any of his ones come up
25 Well I think we 'll have to re-look at the whole question of village envelopes in certain cases , where it is decided that low cost housing is desirable , and see if in some way , they can encourage the farmer to make land available so that he can make some money which he badly needs at the moment , as agriculture 's going through one of the biggest depressions it 's been through for years .
26 We 'll have to cross to the other side of the plain now to find anything . "
27 We 'll have to jump from the first floor , ’ said Cardiff .
28 We 'll have to walk to the station , unless we get a lift . ’
29 We 'll have to get on the train . ’
30 Erm , then after that we 'll have to look at the floor , but there 's no point in doing the floor until the decorating is done is there ? and the roof sorted out .
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