Example sentences of "we [modal v] [verb] [prep] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 If , as Paul suggests , attention to the context is a way of resolving problems , we may return to the text of Ulpian .
2 It follows that whatever conclusions we may reach about the content of the school curriculum , and however varied and flexible the curriculum itself and the examination of it may be , the curriculum should be essentially designed for comprehensive schools .
3 We may refer to the functions of manager , sales representative , typist , or industrial scientist , or for that matter fitter , as ‘ occupations ’ .
4 We may observe in the future a continued trend in the use of sub-contractors , consultants , and other external agencies , thus reducing the core size of currently large firms .
5 Bearing these caveats in mind , however , we may speculate from the evidence of this study on the changes that might improve the glycaemic control in patients with diabetes .
6 Similarly , however much we may disapprove of the Nazis judging Hitler to be evil is not a satisfactory historical explanation .
7 We may scoff at the sort of community action that was represented by ducking-stools and pillories , by ‘ sending to Coventry ’ and by , in its extremest form , lynch law .
8 In terms of the metric functions in ( 6.20 ) , we may start with the solutions U , V , W and M of ( 6.22 ) .
9 Is it not a matter of great rejoicing , wherever we may sit in the House , that throughout the past 40 years , which have seen such momentous changes as the peaceful transition from empire to Commonwealth , the ending of the cold war and the coming together of former enemies in the European Community , Her Majesty has presided over this nation unfailingly , with a dignity and devotion to duty for which we are all greatly thankful ?
10 I have got to try to outbowl him in the early matches because there is a good chance we may go into the Tests with only one spinner .
11 This is fact is a debate about personal freedom the freedom of our tenants to choose the quite legal activities that take place on their farms for whatever we may think about the merits and de-merits of angling or shooting fox hunting , these are activities that Parliament has decided are permissible .
12 This kind of decision fits the model of a ‘ weighing ’ of considerations ; we may think of the man as piling items pro and con on opposite sides of a balance and making his judgement after one side goes down .
13 We may think of the evaluation as having four foci :
14 Whatever we may think of the future , we think of the past as having been in its time as determinate as the present now is .
15 Bishops , archdeacons , canons , civil servants , monks : these are the men whose lives we may study in the sources , whom we can meet face to face in their own writings , the educated , privileged clergy .
16 ‘ Always I have let my horn cry at setting forth , and though thereafter we may walk in the shadows , 1 will not go forth as a thief in the night . ’
17 In some societies parents do select the marriage partner for their children , but we have very little say in the partners our children choose , however strongly we may feel on the subject .
18 Perhaps the simplest of these is the expression , ‘ It is the law that … ’ , which we may find on the lips not only of judges , but of ordinary men living under a legal system , when they identify a given rule of the system …
19 We may argue about the timescale of change or its effects on our lives , but what is beyond doubt is that change , massive and fundamental , is taking place in the way we acquire , use and are influenced by information .
20 We may argue about the importance of a site 's past history , and the relevance of purely accidental human influence ( the ‘ fall-out ’ effect ) .
21 You have agreed to ensure that any information which we may require for the purpose of providing the services set out in this letter is made available to us , as and when we may reasonable require .
22 You have agreed to ensure that any information which we may require for the purpose of providing the services set out in this letter is made available to us , as and when we may reasonably require .
23 You have agreed to ensure that any information which we may require for the purpose of providing the services set out in this letter is made available to us , as and when we may reasonably require .
24 You have agreed to ensure that any information which we may require for the purpose of providing the services set out in this letter is made available to us , and when we may reasonably require .
25 We are also required to agree with you that should the Panel make a statement that it considers that the facilities of the securities markets in the United Kingdom should be withheld from you , or should you fail to comply with the City Code , we may withdraw from the engagement .
26 We are also required to agree with you that [ should the Panel make a statement that it considers that the facilities of the securities markets in the United Kingdom should be withheld from you , or ] should you fail to comply with the City Code , we may withdraw from the engagement .
27 We are also required to agree with you that [ should the Panel make a statement that it considers that the facilities of the securities markets in the United Kingdom should be withheld from you , or ] should you fail to comply with the City Code , we may withdraw from the engagement .
28 We are also required to agree with you that [ should the Panel make a statement that it considers that the facilities of the securities markets in the United Kingdom should be withheld from you , or ] should you fail to comply with the City Code , we may withdraw from the engagement .
29 We are also required to agree with you that [ should the Panel make a statement that it considers that the facilities of the securities markets in the United Kingdom should be withheld from you , or ] should you fail to comply with the City Code , we may withdraw from the engagement .
30 We are also required to agree with you that [ should the Panel make a statement that it considers that the facilities of the securities markets in the United Kingdom should be withheld from you , or ] should you fail to comply with the City Code , we may withdraw from the engagement .
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