Example sentences of "we [verb] get [adv] a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 And the other part of facial waxing is , on the chin , we tend to get quite a few growing on our chin , and upper lip .
2 But er we did n't I did n't go back , we 'd already we 'd we 'd got some land and er and we 'd set up er pig breeding and er we 'd got about a hundred and twenty strong store pigs at that time .
3 You may see a guy wandering in and out groups and that 's a guy called Geoff who works for the British National Corpus and these are the people who are trying to have or produce ten million words of the written word and a hundred million erm spoken words , which is a corpus whereby , er come and look at the English language at some time in the future and identify and listen to some of your and your dialects and what you said so make sure you have lots of input as we 've got quite a broad spectrum of different dialects today but he 'll be wandering in and out er throughout today .
4 erm on the next er , item er we have er on item ten we 've got the welfare rights and er advice and we 've got quite a long report which I hope you 'll agree is an excellent report , er and er Sue is here to present it .
5 Now , we 've got quite a long list , colleagues , of , er , members of the European Parliament and members of Parliament who will be with us during the course of the week for for short stays er Euro European MPs first , er Linden , Cheshire West secretary of the European P L P Steven , Durham , deputy leader of the European P L P Hugh , Strathclyde West Barry , Yorkshire West and from the G M B parliamentary group , er , these MPs may only be present for short periods Nicholas , Newcastle-upon-Tyne East Doug , Newcastle-upon-Tyne North Gerald , George , Hamilton Clive Hammersmith and Giles who 's drawn the short straw , who 's going to give us an address this morning .
6 Tomorrow we 've got quite a lively day ahead of us erm by the time we do our group work tomorrow first thing in the morning , and also tomorrow after that you 'll be doing a role play as well using the things that you 've picked up today and seeing how many of them you can practice and put into action what you talked about .
7 The fact that the committee was not merely an hierarchical instrument of management , but represented all departments and a range of statuses , was also felt to be an advantage : Very luckily we 've got quite a few Scale 1 younger teachers , people with new ideas , possibly … and it 's taken up , quite well … it 's quite respected now .
8 We 've got quite a few pupils in our school who will seize on anything like this as a means of causing friction between the various groups .
9 Det Sgt Gavin Barry , who led one of the groups of uniformed and plain clothes officers , said afterwards : ‘ We 've got quite a few leads we will follow up .
10 Yeah we 've got quite a few actually .
11 We 've got quite a few to go
12 Yes you have you have a territory each , yes , because it 's er , er , it 's we , we 've got quite a large territory , have n't we ?
13 So straight away you see what 's happened in this case his code becomes two eighty one H whereas previously we 've got quite a high code and yet his total income is er not er comparative to the change in code numbers and this is what has that effect , that all that tax on all this income has to be collected against his works pension , thereby causing a lot of confusion and difficulty for er people becoming retired .
14 We 've got about a hundred and fifty .
15 Over the past years , we 've got together a superb programme of trips and good times to make sure you get the chance to see the very best this island has to offer .
16 As well as rumours of troops of infantry escorting respectable citizens to afternoon tea in the suburbs , and the recommendation that gentlemen at a loose end because of the shortage of decent game reserves might turn their hand to a new blood-sport — ‘ We have got together a splendid pack this season , and the game is still so plentiful that I 'll bet we 'll show you some really first-rate sport ’ — the ‘ anti-garotte ’ movement launched by Punch invented various kinds of anti-robbery device .
17 But , in this area of East Anglia , which of course , includes this part of Essex itself we have got quite a tidy ratio at the moment of these panels of school teachers and panels of young engineers to actually look at a national curriculum and work out some kind of erm time cycle when a young engineer could come in and actually cross the t's and dot the i's on parts which obviously the teachers do n't know about .
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