Example sentences of "we [verb] [verb] [pers pn] [prep] that " in BNC.

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1 They 've now taken the ramps out , which is a breach of the planning condition again , so we intend to pursue them on that , and they are offering , believe it or not that disabled people can be taxied from one side of the station to the other side of the station .
2 Jesus , if you knew how hard we tried to get her off that damned powder . ’
3 Such examples lead on to Nagel 's definition of moral luck : ‘ Where a significant aspect of what someone does depends upon factors beyond his control , yet we continue to treat him in that respect as an object of moral judgment , it can be called moral luck .
4 We never did persuade them , but for six valuable hours we managed to hold them on that course far out into the Flores Sea , until finally they came to their senses , noticed the distant and almost invisible shore , and hurriedly tacked towards it again .
5 We felt that Navan Resources should have made earlier contact with us to let us know that there was gold here , before we had to hear it in that way , ’ Mary Catherine Heanue said .
6 What we could choose to do if we wanted to keep them as that figure head and as a P R agency almost , we could pay them a specific salary , similar to other people who work in advertising industry
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