Example sentences of "we [verb] [verb] [pron] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 When screening began we agreed to discontinue it at the end of the first year if there were a number of traumatised families .
2 That is what we intend to do and we intend to do it on the basis of the criteria erm that we have set out .
3 We tend to isolate ourselves from the rest of the natural world and yet we are very much a part of it .
4 Do we need to put anything in the front of our , our quality manual , in the scope of registration , which 'll make it clear that the day to day of our accounts department are .
5 Rather than give young children charcoal immediately on presentation , we suggest confining it to the few who develop symptoms — in a dose sufficient to increase elimination of the drug .
6 She says we do n't want to destroy children 's innocence on the other hand we want to alert them to the dangers .
7 Our attitude is that we want to see everyone in the six counties , whether Protestant or Catholic , active in the movement to attain civil rights for the people there .
8 We want to do something for the voluntary sector .
9 If we want to buy anything at the moment we have to borrow the money .
10 We want to know everything about the Dove Trust and its officers .
11 We want to make it to the restaurant some time this century ! ’ she heard him informing her .
12 " We want to bring it to the attention of communities that they can do something about the rubbish in their streets , " said UNEP 's Richard Lumbe , launching the campaign in Nairobi .
13 And we tried to do something about the problem of alcoholism and prostitution in the area by getting the bars and brothels registered with the local government .
14 We tried to sign him in the summer that we bought Jim Leighton from Aberdeen , but the money Brondby were asking was out of the question , ’ said Mr Ferguson .
15 We tried to get them to the door but they kept falling about .
16 We hope to see you on the 7th December , especially people from the south and west of the county .
17 We hope to see you at the show .
18 We hope to see you at the grand final in London .
19 Well we wish you luck obviously Simon in all your efforts this year , we hope to see you at the Oxford Stadium at some stage , and hope it goes well for you .
20 We hope to get it off the ground very shortly and it will be run in conjunction with the Women 's Hospital . ’
21 We seek to rid ourselves of the awful thought that we might have some responsibility for what has happened .
22 " We came to do something about the record-player , " Sandra said brightly .
23 By some miracle , the 2CV had n't been towed away when I 'd finally dragged Ash out ; we 'd made it to the M1 , picked up a hitcher and — rather beyond the call of duty , I 'd have said — dropped him where he was going , in Coventry .
24 By 25 past , we 'd made it to the car when I realised that I wanted to push — panic !
25 She stopped me in town funny enough erm oh a good couple of weeks ago like , she says to me oh have you heard , cos I was saying about oh we 'd seen something in the shop , it was ever so nice , I said oh I 'm too fat for that she said ooh have you seen , she must be erm infat you know bloody infatuated with dieting
26 Well only because we 'd seen it in the shop
27 We 'd done nothing on the first two days here and I thought it was all going wrong .
28 He was obviously peeved that we 'd squared it with the music teacher while he did n't know anything about it .
29 We 'd entered him in the Novice section , but he 'd been upgraded in the meantime .
30 We 'd left her in the car actually .
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