Example sentences of "she went [prep] the [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 In November 1945 , she went to the B–17 graveyard in Arizona , where the breakers succeeded in doing what the Nazi flak and fighters had failed to do — destroy Mary Alice .
2 And she went to the front door and knocked , and a little bent-up man appeared … ’
3 Returning to the kitchen she heard the sound of a horse and cart in Celtic Crescent and she went to the front door to look out .
4 She went to the Labour Bureau and the clerk there told her that she would be passed fit for clerical work and sent her to the Ministry of Defence Office .
5 She 's bright — she was at Bristol University before she went to the secretarial college .
6 She went to the stained pavement , where the blood pools were washed by the rain spots .
7 After studying at Manchester School of Art from 1898 to 1903 , she went to the Royal College of Art , before taking a diploma at the Accademia in Venice .
8 She went to the full-length mirror beside her dressing-table , pulling off the headband she had worn in the bath and releasing the glossy brown hair that tumbled almost to her shoulders .
9 She went to the French General 's stirrup and held the pathetic bouquet up to the grim-faced man .
10 Jack was busy , dealing with a nasty fracture , so she went to the nursing station and picked up the phone .
11 After a while , when the sickness had passed , she went to the wash-hand basin to wash and freshen-up , then returned to her seat at the dinner table .
12 After cooking her watery stew one night and seeing her younger daughter into bed she went to the public library and looked up ‘ Death ’ in a concordance .
13 She went to the back door and opened it .
14 She went to the local public baths every day before work and swam twenty lengths .
15 She went to the local public baths every day before work and swam twenty lengths .
16 She went to the dead man and laid her cheek against his ; it was already cold .
17 When she had finished hanging out the washing , before she went for the weekly shop at SavaCentre , Sara applied her lipstick , and around her throat she squirted the toilet water which she had had for three years and never before used .
18 She went into the unlighted room , the candle bursting on the ridges of furniture .
19 She went into the tiny pantry and busied herself , preparing the ingredients she had had brought from the kitchen only an hour before .
20 She went into the tiny bedroom , stripped off her tights and slipped into a loose T-shirt and boxer shorts .
21 She went into the empty staff-room and helping herself to a cup of coffee , she sank wearily into a chair .
22 Let it be so , she decided , as she went into the empty dining room .
23 She went into the shadowy house , where a boy of about four was holding his arm .
24 She went into the adjoining bathroom and soaked in warm , scented water .
25 They should not feel aggrieved at her asking for money ; when she went into the cold hall she felt that it would not give her back much , if anything .
26 She went over the final quarrel with her father again and again , and left her present loves to fend for themselves .
27 But someone needed her , and as she broke into a run , she went over the differential diagnosis of a faint in her mind .
28 to keep her company in the house and she went over the other night she said because when the kids are in bed , she 's on her own
29 She went over the whole experience of first meeting her husband , their courtship and marriage and life together .
30 Instead of following Thérèse down the road that led to the centre of the village , out again , and so , eventually , to the Martin farm , she went in the other direction .
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