Example sentences of "which may [be] [vb pp] in [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Each point made must be supported by fact and in turn generates more questions which may be answered in that paragraph .
2 For Dworkin 's rights thesis is put forward in the context of an institutional environment which operates a clear division of labour between courts and other institutions in terms of the kind of argument which may be deployed in each ( Brownsword and Harden , 1981 ) .
3 Suspended sentence — activation — whether activation of a suspended sentence is subject to restrictions on the maximum aggregate term of imprisonment which may be imposed in particular circumstances
4 We are left with n — s rows which may be written in partitioned matrix form as unc where A1 is a non-singular submatrix of A of order ( n — s ) ( some reordering of the elements of x may be necessary to obtain the non-singular minor ) , unc is of the order unc and c is the reduced vector b ; x has been partitioned conformably into n — s elements ( y ) and s elements ( z ) .
5 The tenth edition of the Kalendar in 1754 , contained a write-tip of the sixth edition of the Dictionary ( 1752 ) and on its title page was notice of the fact that it had been ‘ adapted to the new style , with a list of medicinal plants which may be gathered in each month for use ’ .
6 Lists Terms often contain lists : for instance , of rights which may be exercised in certain situations , or of facilities to be provided .
7 Such kinds of nationalism , which may be strengthened in some cases by the dominance of a particular religion , are not , in their most intense form , generally conducive to the development of a liberal democratic society , as may be seen from certain current trends in Eastern Europe .
8 Providing there is an interior solution for intergenerational transfers ( which may be made in either direction ) , the general equilibrium of the economy is unaffected by tax and debt policy .
9 The ordinary shares will not provide the management with a fixed dividend , but usually carry the right to participate pari passu with the holders of the preferred ordinary shares in any additional dividends which may be declared in any year after the fixed and/or participating dividends on the preference shares and preferred ordinary shares have been paid .
10 The precise characterisation of this agent awaits further study but it is clear that most patients with NSAID enteropathy have normal 1 4 C glyocholate breath tests , urinary indicans , and vitamin B 1 2 absorption , all of which may be affected in non-specific intestinal bacterial overgrowth syndromes .
11 The aim of this book is to describe the physical laws governing the behaviour of molecular chains in solution which may be obeyed in common by actual polymer solutions .
12 A wide range of exclusion clauses which may be included in standard terms of trading are now subject to statutory regulation .
13 Neither these heads of agreement nor their acceptance by the Vendors will constitute a binding contract between the parties nor a restriction on any further terms which may be included in that contract , but , subject thereto , it is intended that they form the basis of instruction to lawyers for the drafting and completion of a legally binding agreement between the parties .
14 Neither these heads of agreement nor their acceptance by the Vendors will constitute a binding contract between the parties nor a restriction on any further terms which may be included in that contract , but , subject thereto , it is intended that they form the basis of instruction to lawyers for the drafting and completion of a legally binding agreement between the parties .
15 In explaining the subject-matter of experimental phonetics it is usual to start by mentioning the speech chain , which may be diagrammed in simplified form like this :
16 With the exception of round carrots , which may be sown in first in pots , and kohl rabi , which is not a true root , all root crops are sown directly into the ground because their tap roots will be misshapen if transplanted .
17 You are provided with cheques which may be drawn in any currency , and mailed direct to your overseas supplier .
18 The English Court of Appeal has given guidelines on sentencing and the amount of discount which may be allowed in appropriate cases .
19 It is probable that there are different types of α-granules with different granular contents which may be released in different situations ( Kaplan , 1981 ) .
20 Graded assessment , referred to as " Graduated tests " in the Cockcroft Report , has a number of features associated with it , some or all of which may be found in existing schemes .
21 Then , individual terms which may be found in various types of computer contracts will be discussed in subsequent chapters with a view to avoiding the disasters that await the unwary .
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