Example sentences of "which can be seen [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 THE paintings of Terry Setch , which can be seen at the Talbot Rice Gallery in Edinburgh , overwhelm the viewer with their large scale , drawing one into a visual world of pigment , wax , beach detritus and plastic .
2 There are even several , in addition to the Pleiades , which can be seen with the naked eye ; Præsepe in Cancer ( the Crab ) and the Jewel Box in the Southern Cross are other examples .
3 The bronze statue of Boadicea , in her chariot , which can be seen on the Thames Embankment at Westminster Bridge , is the work of Hamo Thornycroft , R.A. , who had a studio in Holland Park , but it proved too small , so he removed it to the ‘ tin tabernacle ’ which Sir John Isaac Thornycroft , F.R.S. , had built as a workshop in the gardens of Walpole House on Chiswick Mall , during the last decade of the nineteenth century .
4 Examples of odd-toes and even-toed ungulates which can be seen in the park .
5 Like Sukenick and Pynchon , Wurlitzer has acknowledged an influence from Kerouac which can be seen in the open structure of his first novel The Octopus ( 1969 : published in America under the title Nog ) .
6 Dr. Clarke had himself been a surveyor in the town in 1765 : he also cultivated the art of perspective drawing , examples of which can be seen in the plans he drew for Whitaker 's History of Manchester of 1765 and 1771 .
7 Psychologically , the dark side of this individualism entails an emotional remoteness from others which can be seen in the limited expression of empathy and in the fragility and insecurity of many marriage relationships .
8 His execution — immortalised by Manet in the famous Firing Party , which can be seen in the National Gallery — unhinged her mind , and she never recovered .
9 Piaget , however , asserts in the introduction to his work that ‘ We shall rather show that the acquisition of language is itself subordinated to the workings of a symbolic function which can be seen in the development of imitation and play as well as in that of verbal mechanisms ’ ( 1962 : 1–2 ; see Vygotsky 1978 for a contrary view ) .
10 The district has been national finalists in the Britain in Bloom contest in the last four years and this has been achieved by the magnificent floral displays which can be seen throughout the summer months in our area .
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