Example sentences of "which can be [verb] by the " in BNC.

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1 Section 61 provides remedies which can be sought by the Secretary of State or , by delegation , the S.I.B .
2 The cooperative binding of CRP and the wild-type enzyme at the lac UV5 promoter is accompanied by significant changes in the footprint with respect to the two binary complexes : 1 ) the DNAaseI footprints of RNA polymerase and CRP overlap ( Fig. 2 ; and [ 18 ] ) , moreover , at least on the upper strand , an extension of the footprint of the CRP site is observed up to position -84.5 ; 2 ) a more intense protection of the -40 , -70 and -80 regions to hydroxyl-radical cleavage is observed ( Fig. 3 ) ; 3 ) CRP and RNA polymerase induce a conformational change of the -50 region , which can be detected by the copper-phenanthroline reagent ( Fig. 5 ) or after UV irradiation ( Fig. 4 ; and [ 32 ] ) .
3 The notion of transparent reporting which can be understood by the untutored layman is a chimera .
4 They may be seen as lacking basic training which can be rectified by the intervention of psychiatrists , psychologists , social workers , probation workers or other similar welfare professionals .
5 the high position : increase in ride height of 30 mm which can be selected by the driver to cope with abnormal conditions such as snow/flooding etc .
6 Each facility , or Option , which can be accessed by the LIFESPAN User Interface is identified by means of an Option Number .
7 All material received should be carefully labelled with the owner 's name and returned with a thank you ( which can be written by the children ) when the project ends .
8 These skills can be applied to a fairly wide range of tasks which can be tackled by the lowest achievers .
9 Such change can represent a high risk , which it is important to minimise through cost-effective trials , demonstrations and evaluations — many of which can be arranged by the technology provider .
10 Yet when people think of lighting they mostly think of lights or lamps — the actual fittings — rather than of a flexible medium , just like heat , which can be manipulated by the flick of a switch or a turn of a dimmer .
11 The food is delicious : home-baked bread , cakes and pastries , the excellence of which can be explained by the fact that John and Polly were both bakers in John 's father 's business .
12 The Solaris version of Unix uses multitasking , multimedia object management facilities and is able to build true client-server applications , which can be exploited by the Model 116 , which transfers eight bits of data in parallel and also performs byte-to-byte handshaking for increased data integrity .
13 A particular field in one table can appear in another table , even if everything else in the second table is different ; this sets up a relationship between the tables — hence the name — which can be exploited by the database manager .
14 An attractive plant which can be grown by the aquarist with ease because of its ready adaptability to most conditions .
15 A most undemanding and very hardy plant , which can be grown by the absolute beginner with great success .
16 They assume that the natural world has an independent existence of its own , which is as it is regardless of those who are studying it , and which is governed by laws which can be discovered by the research scientist if only the right methods can be developed .
17 The food distributor then has to ensure special storage conditions , fast delivery , rapid turnover , accurate temperature control and reliable refrigeration , all of which can be ruined by the consumer within hours .
18 All six companies use unedited quantitative information ; for example , the annual accounts which can be analysed by the planners themselves in order to form their own opinions .
19 By its nature , this area — in common with management performance — is not one which can be analysed by the Cartesian methods of economists .
20 But in the years between Jane Austen 's death and the publication of Boz , the growth of interest in the actual past , promoted partly by the novels of Scott , began to disturb this peaceful co-existence by taking Gothic style more seriously — an alteration in attitude which can be illustrated by the difference between a Gothic novel like Udolpho , where ancient buildings are impressionistic , and an historical novel like Ivanhoe ( 1819 ) , rooted in fact and actual place .
21 We will extend the types of cases which can be handled by the County Courts in a simplified way .
22 The conditions which can be imposed by the LA to reflect environmental considerations are limited to the means of entry and exit for authorized vehicles , times for vehicular access , parking arrangements for vehicles , and the number , type and size of authorized vehicles parked or being maintained at the operating centre .
23 Road construction can also lead to soil erosion which can be exacerbated by the dragging or skidding of logs from the place of cutting to areas where they are loaded on to vehicles for transport .
24 The third need of soil life is food , which can be provided by the return of organic waste in the forms of rotting vegetation from the plant cover , farmyard manure , compost , or from green crops specially grown and ploughed in .
25 Any file which can be read by the computer , from any source and in any data format , can be processed using the BGET# , BPUT# and PTR# functions .
26 Each view of the world can be described using personal constructs which can be elicited by the use of a Repertory Grid .
27 With this condition of high inertia the pull-out torque is equal to the maximum average torque which can be produced by the motor .
28 It was certainly not a prohibition on lending money at a rate of interest which can be earned by the recipient .
29 If you 're just looking for matching patterns to co-ordinate with room furnishings , however , there 's an increasingly wide range of totally co-ordinated wallpapers and borders available to go with curtain fabrics , bed linen , and even soft furnishing fabrics which can be bought by the metre .
30 They also need to be reasonably labour intensive and give a high level of added value which can be retained by the production unit or community involved .
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