Example sentences of "which would [verb] [verb] [pron] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The logical result of this attitude was , of course , the takeover of the most prominent media , which would involve placing them under more direct control , a corollary of this action was the suppression or limitation of any privately owned media that might either be critical of TANU and the Tanzanian Government or campaign for alternatives .
2 Labour , on the other hand , wants to abolish A-levels and return schools which would prefer to govern themselves to the control of local bureaucrats .
3 ( And even if the political will did exist , he doubted whether the institutions which would have to translate it into collective action were strong enough to do so . )
4 Under hypnosis Sylvia remembered being adamant in her refusal to join in a game of hide and seek , which would have involved her in hiding in isolated , cramped and possibly dark surroundings so that she would not be found .
5 Stephen Scobie , in emphasising the motif of sainthood in Leonard 's writing , completely omits reference to this key Jewish emphasis , which would have prevented him from some of his more questionable comments , such as the reference to them as ‘ social outcasts ’ .
6 For a long time , Emerson simply failed to sign the contracts which would have kept him in front-rank racing .
7 Werner came to our rescue with the loan of a hundred dollars , which would have to see us through the three or four months it might take us to reach Aru .
8 Instead of turning left over the canal bridge which would have taken him into the village , he turned right and began walking out of the village on the Brookend road .
9 This is necessary as a result of property writedown which would have left it in breach of its £350 million net worth banking covenant .
10 He steered a middle course between intimacy and aloofness which would have endeared him to the most demanding of guests .
11 He played Bobby Dupea with explosive sensitivity , as a promising musician who rejects a career to become an oil-rigger ; a rebel who , like Nicholson himself , had the chance of taking a particular course in life which would have provided him with comfort and stability , but chose a different route to that which might have been expected of him .
12 Although the use of robots has been widely discussed and implemented in large-scale , large volume industries , their use in small manufacturing processes have common characteristics which would seem to lend themselves to the application of robotic techniques .
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