Example sentences of "which have [verb] [prep] [art] [num ord] " in BNC.

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1 Everything has obviously been well prepared both technically and musically ( not the remotest suspicion of a studio run-through ) , and the orchestra sound really fired up , which is more than one can say about a disturbingly large number of recordings which have emerged over the last few years !
2 In these units , themes which have emerged throughout the first two years receive a more considered and advanced analysis : Theories of Society , Political Ideals , Women , and the Ethics of Individual Responsibility .
3 Social differentials in fertility which have emerged in the last century have powerful implications for population growth , social welfare , and political power .
4 Nor can it cope with the more general interdisciplinary and modular patterns which have emerged in the last two decades ; and it is university-biased in its assumption that the basic academic unit is the subject-department , whereas composite departments offering broader programmes of study are common in the polytechnics and colleges .
5 My destinations have all been identified by linguists , in papers which have appeared in the last five years or so , as well worth a visit , and in each case I have found the excursion worthwhile .
6 As far as quality assurance is concerned , the new paper describes how mechanisms have evolved to meet the various demands which have arisen over the last five years — such as the National Certificate , the new Advanced Courses and , most recently , Scottish Vocational Qualifications .
7 Rising costs , a more sophisticated travelling public and much greater competition from numerous holiday attractions , which have developed within the last 10 years , have made it virtually impossible to run two commercial railways in such close proximity .
8 In 1816 , the year Davy 's lamp was introduced , J. H. H. Holmes , a mining inspector , published a book containing ‘ accounts of the explosions from fire damp which have occurred for the last 20 years ; their causes and the means proposed for their remedy and for general improvements of the mining systems by new methods of ventilation . ’
9 Provided the seals have remained intact and the air is uncontaminated , analysis of the samples is expected to give a unique insight into the composition of the atmosphere at that time , and consequently provide an indication of changes which have occurred in the last three centuries , the period of worldwide industrialization and the extensive burning of fossil fuels .
10 There were , too , distinct signs of an improvement in orders as early as the fourth quarter of 1992 , which have continued in the first quarter of 1993 , the chairman , Viscount Weir , said in London yesterday .
11 Redcar 's City Challenge co-ordinator Dave Bottomley said : ‘ We started out on a confident basis with well-prepared plans which have resulted from the last five years of work under the Regeneration of Redcar banner .
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