Example sentences of "which are [adv] [prep] [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Brent Walker bought Whyte & Mackay from Lonrho earlier this year for £180m in a deal that included four French vineyards , which are also for sale for as much as £60m .
2 The USAF already operates ten earlier model Gulfstream IIIs , which are also in service with the other U.S. military services .
3 Although the draft PPG Note recognises the cumulative impact of retail developments on town centres , the Direction proposed by the Secretary of State relates only to schemes which are individually in excess of 20,000 sq m .
4 The most relevant categories to compare in such cases are ones which are immediately in contrast to one another .
5 These questions demonstrate the complexity of the freedom and control issue which are implicitly in discussion in many parts of the world .
6 It also welcomes the changes in VAT , which are clearly of benefit to commerce , and the measures to encourage prompt payment of VAT , the delays in which it says are a vital factor affecting a great number of firms .
7 Continue the canvas look with classic espadrilles which are equally at home on the beach or the street .
8 Currently , a draft EC Directive is under discussion with a compromise with existing practices in Ec member countries , but falls short of desirable standards which are already in place in some states .
9 But this is making demands which are wildly at variance with the methodology and history of the experimental sciences .
10 And meanwhile Greece has to reckon with the fact that Turkey , on the other side of the Aegean , is planning to lure exactly the same sort of middle-class tourist with exactly the same combination of sunshine , classical ruins and mildly exotic food — and , it must be added , with lower costs and beaches many of which are less in need of de-whiffing .
11 Again , as all viewers of the BBC 's television comedy Yes , Minister are aware , the state bureaucracies and their members have their own organizational and personal interests to pursue which are often at variance with those of their supposed political masters , which in turn are not invariably identical with those of the electorate or of any coalition of interest groups .
12 The course is designed to provide a sound academic basis for a variety of careers , fostering skills which are much in demand in today 's society .
13 The Liassic ( Lower Jurassic ) rocks of Europe furnished many of the magnificent specimens which are now on display in museums .
14 However the main focus is on the Honours which are now on display in the Crown Room .
15 Forget about instep crampons or ones without forward facing points , which are only of interest to walkers .
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