Example sentences of "which are [adj] [prep] [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 As a result , there are very few materials which are inert in the body and indeed it may be argued that none are truly inert in this context .
2 Of the fifty reports of sexual attacks featured in the Coventry Evening Telegraph , thirteen refer to cases which are well outside the catchment area of the newspaper and these are also mentioned in the national press .
3 Similarly , of the twenty-three reports of sexual attacks mentioned in the Lancashire Evening Post , six refer to cases which are well outside the catchment area and are among the cases occasioning a national interest .
4 It would be rare to come across policy statements which are explicit about the level of provision accorded to undergraduates vis-à-vis other groups , but some universities develop rule of thumb guidelines — for instance , a maximum number of copies for undergraduate texts , or ( commonly ) a rule restricting research material to single copies .
5 One answer is that unions also provide other goods which are private to the extent that they are available only to union members .
6 Intentionally or not he seems to suggest , as Lord Caithness also did at the Committee stage in the House of Commons , that the homosexual literature should pass the test of artistic and literary merit — characteristics which are necessary as a defence against a charge of obscenity under the Obscene Publications Act 1959 .
7 ‘ Right ’ and ‘ wrong ’ are , for her , immutables drawn from religious teaching , which are necessary as a context for sex education , and around which a previously existing consensus was being subverted by ‘ propagandists ’ for ‘ permissiveness ’ .
8 Consequently , the concept of sovereignty was replaced with that of ‘ public service ’ ; the state exists merely to perform certain tasks which are necessary for the preservation and promotion of social solidarity .
9 The cyclic of rise to power and decay of elites is held by Pareto to be inevitable and is explained by the alteration in elites of the proportions of these residues , both of which are necessary for the maintenance of rule .
10 Now , if there be any place in the world in which people are deprived of that portion of temper and discretion which are necessary to the contemplation of beauty , it is there .
11 Factors influencing this choice could be : ( a ) the availability of the system to the programmer ( b ) the availability of special hardware or software features on a particular machine which are necessary to the program ( c ) the availability of the system ( or a compatible system ) in schools .
12 When therefore I perceived that there were three species of liberty which are essential to the happiness of social life , religious , domestic and civil , and as I 've already written concerning the first , and the magistrates were strenuously active in obtaining the third , I determined to turn my attention to the second , or the domestic species .
13 Finally , practitioners identified the need for management practices in their own agencies in relation to the development of assessment and care management systems , to be based on three key principles which are essential to the development of better practice .
14 If there are contracts which are essential to the conduct of the business , the purchaser should make obtaining consent to assign or novate these a condition precedent .
15 The first , or preclinical section , deals with the structures and functions of the animal body , aspects which are essential to an understanding of both health and disease .
16 It suggests that the attempt to impose a neutral character on the liberal state and to purge its law of any substantive content can only serve to erode those moral and religious foundations which are essential for the survival of liberalism .
17 THE linker histones H1 and H5 are components of chromatin which are essential for the organization of nucleosomes into a higher order structure , the 30nm filament .
18 Complex carbohydrates are desirable for three reasons : they are slowly digested and release their energy at a steadier rate foods rich in complex carbohydrates are also rich in vitamins and minerals , which are essential for the metabolism of sugar and the steady release of its energy such foods are also high in fibre , high intakes of which are associated with many health benefits .
19 With a feeling of trust comes , among other things , the ability to recognise personal strengths and weaknesses , the development of self-respect and faith in oneself , the development of respect and concern for others ; all of which are essential for the establishment and maintenance of human relationships , and are basic to the AL of communicating .
20 The European Community has put in place a range of measures which are capable over a period of time of leading to a solution .
21 In analysis , attention has been accorded to the structure of the system , its behaviour which involves energy transfer , its boundaries , its environment , its state whether transient or equilibrium , and its parameters which are unaffected by the operation of the system .
22 The dilemmas and compromises which are inherent to the task of teaching need to be honestly identified and openly confronted .
23 One of the criticisms of reporting convertible debt as a liability is that it ignores the equity rights which are inherent in an issue of convertible debt .
24 What are the limitations to our analysis which are inherent in the accounting data we are using ?
25 Irrespective of personal efforts to maintain safety , all people are exposed to dangers — natural forces as well as man-made hazards — which are inherent in the environment and which the individual is impotent to control or eliminate .
26 But difficulties arise which are inherent in the nature of poetry itself .
27 In this context , it should be noted that the rapid demolition of the colleges of education which followed was made possible by a unique regulator placed in the hands of the Secretary of State ; unlike the universities which are protected by a degree of autonomy and the polytechnics which are subject to a variety of controls and influences , overall teacher-training numbers and their distribution between individual institutions are directly controlled by the DES .
28 They should be checked regularly to endure that all nuts and bolts are secure , and also inspected for cracks and flaws which can develop at places which are subject to a lot of stress , such as the bottom of attachment posts , the hinge area and where the metal is thinner round nut holes .
29 In approaching the identification and management of child abuse cases as a journalist my attention would probably be focussed on a few ‘ sensational ’ cases , where something has gone dramatically ‘ wrong ’ and which are subject to an enquiry .
30 Thus if a business manages to establish that its terms are incorporated into its contracts by signature , it may still find that it can not rely on any of the terms which are subject to the reasonableness test under the Act if , for instance , the business knows the signer did not read the terms before signing .
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