Example sentences of "which he [verb] [prep] an [noun] " in BNC.

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1 When Christopher Tietjens , the hero of Ford Madox Ford 's Parade 's End , returns from the trenches to his eighteenth century London house , he inhabits a single room which he furnishes like an army tent .
2 Thereafter it appears that Haycock himself rather than his father was the main architect member of the firm , although , in partnership with his brother Robert , he continued to engage in building as well as architecture until c .1845 , after which he practised as an architect only .
3 In a well-known Christian discourse , chapter 17 of The Acts of the Apostles , St Paul makes a speech to the Athenians in which he refers to an altar inscribed with the words , ‘ To an unknown God ’ .
4 The old man stretched out his hand towards me and demanded ‘ un Franc ’ which he fed into an electricity meter , causing the church lights to blaze into life .
5 So far , the free world has liked him both for having been , and for having ceased to be , a communist of a sort , for the freedoms he seeks in matters of literary form , for the modern inventiveness and manipulation of the literary games he plays , games that none the less commemorate , as he acknowledges , Cervantes , Sterne and Diderot , and for the sexual games which he plays in an age when , as he once put it , sexuality has ceased to be taboo .
6 Steve Kember is a Croydon lad and has always been a great favourite at his local Football League Club , for which he signed as an apprentice in 1963 and full professional in 1965 .
7 Darwin himself investigated the means by which insectivorous plants catch and digest insects , which he interpreted as an adaptation to soils with low nitrogen content .
8 He was also critical of the ANC 's mass action campaign which he described as an obstacle to negotiations .
9 Glasser presents a full picture of the behaviour , good and bad , which he encountered in an area of maximum difficulty , and it is not often that such a picture has been presented .
10 Li Ximing , a politburo member and senior CCP official for Beijing , published an article in the Beijing Daily of July 14 in which he called for an acceleration of economic reform along capitalist lines .
11 That very same evening he appeared on the bandstand in Woodford Square and gave his first speech under the auspices of the P.E.M. The speech turned out to be nothing less than a vitriolic attack on the Commission , which he portrayed as an organisation run by ‘ hide- bound conservatives in the British Colonial service ’ .
12 The elder reacts violently to every action which he construes as an attack upon the dignity of his office and frantically invokes the support of the ancestors .
13 Hearing from that individual , to his great concern , of the impending calamity , Captain Cuttle , in his delicacy , sheered off again confounded ; merely handing in the nosegay as a small mark of his solicitude , and leaving his respectful compliments for the family in general , which he accompanied with an expression of his hope that they would lay their heads well to the wind under existing circumstances , and a friendly intimation that he would " look up again " tomorrow(2) .
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