Example sentences of "or not [verb] [det] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Other people will decide whether or not to allow that goal to be satisfied .
2 I asked Terry to come along because one of the things I tho I tho I hope we might get round to spending a few minutes on was about Alan 's raised it before about records coming in er , and what the state of the game is in records coming into us and how we 're transferring that information , or not transferring that information onto dep onto department 's national curriculum er material
3 The Kuwait intervention , though important to the Defence policy-makers , was of little consequence to the political departments , whose mandarins were immersed during the first half of 1961 in two major debates : how to handle the Anglo-American special relationship after Kennedy had taken over as US President in January ; and whether or not to put less emphasis on Anglo-American and Commonwealth links by applying belatedly to join the EEC .
4 The basic rule of liability was stated in Goodfellow : has the accused acted in such a way as to create an obvious and serious risk of causing physical harm and , having recognised it , gone ahead , or not given any thought to that risk ?
5 Whatever may be the case in Russia , we in the degenerate West can switch off the radio or television , or not buy a newspaper , or not read such parts of it as we do not wish to .
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