Example sentences of "or [vb base] for the [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 In 1984 , it became common for bail conditions , following arrests during the strike , to require those charged not to visit any premises or place for the purpose of picketing or demonstrating in connection with the current trade dispute between the NUM and the National Coal Board other than peacefully to picket or demonstrate at their usual place of employment .
2 The High Court or an election court ( constituted and functioning in accordance with Parts III and IV of the 1983 Act ) may , on the presentation of an election petition by an interested party ( a voter , a ‘ defeated ’ candidate ) , declare a seat vacant , or provide for the return of another candidate in prescribed circumstances , where there has been irregularity in the conduct of the election campaign or where the ‘ successful ’ candidate is not qualified .
3 Parliament can discriminate on grounds of sex or religion ; or provide for the taking of life with impunity ; or detain without trial ; or prohibit marriage .
4 The period in question was one of make or break for the conservation of Rome 's antiquities , and this book explores in satisfying depth the activities , notably of the French , in saving them .
5 … how much soever Arbitrary Power may be dislik 'd on a Throne , Not Milton himself wou 'd cry up Liberty to poor Female Slaves , or plead for the Lawfulness of Resisting a Private Tyranny .
6 You should start as the planners do ; draw up a plan or outline for the essay in some form .
7 Example 2:18 Covenant to yield up tenant 's fixtures at the expiry or sooner determination of the tenancy to yield up the demised property including all tenant 's fixtures in good repair and clean and tidy Example 2:19 Covenant to remove tenant 's fixtures if required if so required by the landlord by written notice given not later than three months before the term date to remove ( or pay for the removal of ) all fixtures affixed to the demised property by the tenant or such of them as may be specified in the notice Example 2:20 Covenant by tenant to inquire about removal of fixtures not later than six months before the expiry of the term to inquire in writing of the landlord which ( if any ) tenant 's fixtures the landlord requires the tenant to remove on the termination of the term
8 There are fears that if the water industry is sold off , private companies with their principal interest in profit will have use of the same powerful law as the present publicly-accountable bodies to carry out work without having to seek the permission of the owner or occupier of the land , or pay for the right of access .
9 Such a corporation , it was held , should have the same power to maintain an action for a libel by which its property is injured as the law allowed to a corporation at common law , and the power to sue for libel or slander for the protection of its reputation in the carrying on of its business .
10 You can find the address of your Family Practitioner Committee in your local telephone directory , or ask for the address at your public library .
11 A further uncertainty is whether a legislative text remains ambiguous or obscure for the purposes of the relaxed exclusionary rule once it has been judicially interpreted or construed .
12 A creditor whose claim includes an element of VAT can either prove for the whole amount of the claim ( and pay to HM Customs and Excise the VAT element irrespective of whether or not he receives any dividend ) or prove for the amount of his claim net of VAT and reclaim the VAT under the Value Added Tax ( Bad Debt Relief ) Regulations 1978 .
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