Example sentences of "or [prep] the [det] [noun] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 At or about the same time as the 2D was announced , Philips unveiled the PL lamp .
2 Attitudes to private schools are summarised in Figure 11.20 , which shows the percentages of people in Great Britain ( in 1987 ) who thought there should be more , fewer , none , or about the same number as then .
3 Is the natural gas found in rocks which are younger , older or about the same age as the Coal Measures ?
4 At the time , and indeed until much later , I had no knowledge of Mrs Castle 's objections or of the many discussions that had taken place on this subject at government level .
5 ‘ Reserve stock , describes a closed access part of a library located in or near the same building as the open access collections .
6 ( e ) a financial or other professional adviser ( including a stockbroker ) with its client in respect of the shareholdings of the adviser and persons controlling , controlled by or under the same control as the adviser ( except in the capacity of an exempt market-maker ( see para 7.7 below ) ) ; and
7 But although it had now been raining for several hours , there was not the least damp or cold either in the deep runs or in the many burrows that they passed .
8 As the child that comes or may come from a sexual encounter between a man and a woman differs from the child born from that man and some other woman ( or from the same man and the same woman on another occasion ) , so every genuine poem is the unique product of one unrepeatable encounter between the artist and an unearthly partner who may be called ‘ Muse ’ or ‘ goddess ’ .
9 At night , after dinner , it is very pleasant to stroll from hotel to hotel or to the many bars and small restaurants or , later , to the discothèques .
10 Not all employers have equal access to occupational pensions , and manual workers are less likely to receive one on retirement or on the same level as non-manual and professional employees .
11 For young women the disease sanctions were even stronger and tended to be linked with childbearing threats , with the possibility opened up of cancer , insanity and TB , or at the least frigidity or nymphomania .
12 It is vital for the young cuckoo to hatch either before , or at the same time as , its nest mates .
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