Example sentences of "or [adv] [art] same [noun sg] as " in BNC.

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1 It was then widely believed that the universe was static , yet if space , and particularly time , were curved back on themselves , how could the universe continue forever in more or less the same state as it is at the present time ?
2 The universe existed and would continue to exist forever in more or less the same state as it is today .
3 Damage is calculated in more or less the same way as a stone thrower .
4 But there was still you know a substantial It was more or less the same case as we had before in terms of the traffic relief that each afforded and the economic rates of return .
5 She told me more or less the same story as Eric — that they are reserving double the usual amount of space for Jefferson over the second half of the year . ’
6 Amaranth fell into a gentle sleep at more or less the same time as did the bulk of Sir Teddy Taylor 's conference audience .
7 well this people I mean with , with , that I mean that really is more or less the same amount as the other companies have said for er more or less the whole lot , so why the wardrobes are so cheap and yet the , the bed surrounding is so expensive , we do n't know
8 Yet Mary Joe forcibly made the point that ‘ exhibitions can hurt the tour when they take place during the same period , the same City or just the same continent as specified sanctioned tournaments . ’
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