Example sentences of "or [adv] [prep] a [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Lucker stares at me or rather at a spot on the wall to the left of my head .
2 There are , finding fifty hectares or thereabouts for a development of this kind and characteristic out of the districts ' allocations on the one hand in their geography , you know that has to be broadly speaking within the existing settlement pattern on the other , not possible .
3 In the ASE system of nomenclature , the oxidation number of an element in an oxoanion is sometimes used instead of or together with a prefix of suffix .
4 Alexander Macdonald had clearly abandoned much of that hospitable tradition , perhaps owing to his embrace of southern education , or perhaps as a reaction to the affection in which his late brother had been held .
5 Or perhaps for a return to the first Great Awakening of the eighteenth century , when Jonathan Edwards thundered against the evils of the age .
6 At the beginning of the New Year — or perhaps in a couple of months time at the beginning of the new financial year — there is often a need to set up a spreadsheet that shows a time series .
7 erm Yes , now if we get to about half way down there 's a plus in the margin , and the third line in the bracket below that plus , more or less on a level with a three dot , and a little bit below , it says , William , I think it 's Wilkinson , a minister , curate of St Ebbe 's Parish , ‘ his answer that he must attend the burials and christenings ’ , so obviously he could n't work on the fortifications .
8 And more : ‘ LEGA … represents en bloc the fourth or fifth grouping in Italy , behind IRL , ENI and Fiat , but more or less on a par with Montedison . ’
9 because of the way it tends to bind many poorer consumers into using just one type of credit ( considerably more costly than non-collection types ) more or less as a matter of course .
10 " When they were out of a ship they were more or less in a state of intoxication , during which time they were in the society of the very lowest description that could be found .
11 NEXT time you have a craving for yet another chocolate bar or long for a stream of passionate sexual encounters , be careful you 're not nursing a potential addiction .
12 Mr Motion should be pleased enough by the compliments paid to his work , but most of these appear in the last paragraph or so as a sort of afterthought when the reviewer has finished giving his own version of the poet .
13 Employee trusts have increased in popularity over the past decade or so as a method of providing incentives for employees .
14 Um , said Tor , but then went on to explain that only a week or two before he had been within a hundred metres or so of a school of orca .
15 Echo sounding is also responsible for an erroneous impression given on chart traces , suggesting that the loch walls continue down for 1000 m or so beneath a filling of loose sediment .
16 If , therefore , it is not clear whether a restriction applies to any transfer or only to a transfer to , say , a non-member , or to any type of disposition or only to a sale the narrower construction will be adopted .
17 And if you 're building a long flight , it can always be broken up with separate landings , either where the flight changes direction , or just for a change of pace .
18 To overcome this , the light is shone across ( usually at 90o ) an atomic beam ( Figure la ) or directly along a beam of fast atoms all moving with the same velocity ( Figure 1b ) .
19 In our collective folk memory — or possibly as a result of seeing too many old Hollywood movies — we think of gold in the form of coins as eminently portable in times of national emergency .
20 In our collective folk memory — or possibly as a result of seeing too many old Hollywood movies — we think of gold in the form of coins as eminently portable in times of national emergency .
21 In our collective folk memory — or possibly as a result of seeing too many old Hollywood movies — we think of gold in the form of coins as eminently portable in times of national emergency .
22 Or possibly in a court of justice .
23 And Financial Assurance ( 081–367 6000 ) was paying 8.05% on £5,000 or more for a period of four years .
24 unc unc A metre is about 39.4 inches or slightly over a yard in length .
25 And then … as always , Hope could lull himself sooner or later into a mood of self-satisfaction at the prospect of a future rich , secure , free , and attainable …
26 The basic principle of the Act is in s. 2(1) : " Where any damage is caused wholly or partly by a defect in a product , every person to whom subsection ( 2 ) … applies shall be liable for the damage . "
27 Where any damage is caused wholly or partly by a defect in a product , any person to whom subsection ( 2 ) applies shall be liable .
28 Liability of an effective supplier is envisaged under s2(3) as follows : ( 3 ) Subject , as aforesaid , where any damage is caused wholly or partly by a defect in a product , any person who supplied the product ( whether to the person who suffered the damage , to the producer of any product in which the product in question is comprised or to any other person ) shall be liable for the damage if ( a ) the person who suffered the damage requests the supplier to identify one or more of the persons ( whether still in existence or not ) to whom subsection ( 2 ) above applies in relation to the product ; ( b ) that request is made within a reasonable period after the damage occurs and at a time when it is not reasonably practicable for the person making the request to identify all those persons ; and ( c ) the supplier fails , within a reasonable period after receiving the request , either to comply with the request or to identify the person who supplied the product to him .
29 Any mortgage increase undertaken for personal reasons ( for example , to obtain capital , maximise tax allowances ) or purely as a result of purchasing a larger or more desirable property will not qualify for assistance .
30 Not everyone proved to be a persistent reader of one paper ( or even of a group of similar papers ) but the majority did .
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