Example sentences of "or [adv] [prep] a [noun sg] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 He would of course require a pastoral call even if he did not — and his car did not bode well — look like the kind of man Peter might hope for , as a breath of fresh air on the PCC ; as a possible churchwarden in place of old Sir Francis Mayhew who said he 'd done fifteen years which was more than enough ; or even as a parishioner willing to raise the £25,000 that the diocesan architect had said would have to be spent on Loxford church roof within the next three years .
2 At first she looked embarrassed , then she spoke to him , glancing over her shoulder once or twice like a child afraid of being caught .
3 It should include : a review of the physical condition and general suitability of the house alterations , adaptations and aids home support services the advisability or otherwise of a move financial needs Major upgrading of a substandard house may exacerbate dementia ; decisions need to be made in each case as to what improvements can be made with minimal disturbance to familiar surroundings .
4 The Regent might have decided on a strategic retiral , for instance , to lure Edward northwards or westwards into a position favourable to the Scots , perhaps even as far up Tweed as the Kelso area , where the Warden 's force could be used to help defeat him .
5 This meant that the men on each farm , with the addition of certain seasonal workers like the company of sheep-shearers , agreed with the farmer to bring in the harvest on ‘ piecework ’ — so much per acre of crops ; or perhaps they would contract to get the harvest in during the period of a month from the time they started ; or instead of a month some agreements would state Twenty Four Fine Days .
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