Example sentences of "or [adv] [prep] the same [noun] " in BNC.

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1 My guess would be that they are the same advisers or perhaps from the same coterie of advisers .
2 If overt collusion is not permitted , then firms may be able to replicate its effect via tacit collusion ( Tirole , 1989 , ch. 6 ) , which may take the form of ‘ conscious parallelism ’ with firms making identical price changes more or less at the same time .
3 Although care should be taken to choose varieties that ripen more or less at the same time to avoid losses , dredge mixtures are generally cut green and dried like hay to be fed ‘ on the straw ’ or made into silage .
4 It follows that it is possible for a member to have the same problem raised by both bodies more or less at the same time .
5 War was declared and , more or less at the same time , her mother , who wished to distance her from the rough and ready children at the village school , arranged for her to have piano lessons .
6 She remarried more or less at the same time as I did .
7 More or less on the same lines having a point of view and putting it across without wavering , do n't erm
8 but they 've changed now , they 're more or less on the same basis as the U R C
9 All this time , it must be realised , the fluviatile , near-shore and offshore environmental belts have remained more or less in the same position .
10 ( In his reply , Karajan pointed out that as two men had died whilst conducting Tristan und Isolde , both more or less in the same place in the score , it was perhaps worth sponsoring some medical research into the subject . )
11 We work more or less in the same area but had n't talked to one another for a long time .
12 More or less in the same years about 300 B.C. the greatest pupil of Aristotle , Theophrastus , became interested in Jewish customs within the context of his comparative researches on Piety .
13 Marinate for only an hour or so in the same marinade as before or use just olive oil , lemon juice salt and freshly ground black pepper .
14 That means flying two or more after the same rabbit .
15 The effects on the immune system and on hormones , including the sex hormones , are further complicated by the effects on general care of the body , resulting in malnutrition or obesity ( or both at the same time ) , inadequate bodily hygiene and poor physical fitness .
16 ‘ I am a partisan of the idea of two inter-governmental conferences , one dealing with economic and monetary union and related institutional reform by the end of 1991 , and another which deals with European political union , one or two years later or even at the same time , ’ Mr Delors told MEPs in Strasbourg yesterday .
17 Decorated metalwork and pottery can , in addition , be studied by the measurement of elements in designs to determine which objects may have been made at the same source , using the same tools , or even by the same craftsman .
18 As we all know from personal experience , intellect will often come up with two very different solutions to the same problem in two different individuals , or even in the same individual on two different occasions .
19 Unfortunately , in modern society , our ‘ own ’ are rarely living in the same town or even in the same county as us , which makes the ideal situation very difficult to achieve .
20 Oligo I was unspecifically competed with no ( - ) , 10 , 50 and 500 molar excess of oligo III ( lanes 1 to 4 , respectively ) or specifically with the same amounts of unlabelled oligo I ( lanes 5 to 8 ) .
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