Example sentences of "or [noun sg] [verb] [prep] a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 This may partly explain why a speaker or writer opts for a marked theme in a given context .
2 Example 2:10 Right to use passenger lift The right at all times in connection with the use of the demised property ( but not otherwise ) to use the lifts in the building for the carriage of passengers only and their hand luggage provided that the landlord shall not be liable for any loss or damage caused by a temporary failure of the lifts .
3 Another factor which can have quite a major bearing on your approach is whether your video is to be edited in camera , that is recorded in the final shot order , or post-production edited into a different shot order on a copy tape .
4 He suggests the construction of a continuum of categories , each with its set of conditional factors , in which the practitioner could decide upon the degree of directiveness or non-directiveness needed in a specific situation .
5 The absolute right of an editor or journalist to opt for a personal hearing before a complaints committee would be removed .
6 The absolute right of an editor or journalist to opt for a personal hearing should be removed .
7 Thus , every three years or so , a strident siren echoed across the Dantesque landscape of Winnington to signal the moment for everyone within eye- or ear-shot to retire to a safe distance and to watch the plant reduce itself to a concrete skeleton .
8 It is , I believe , this same ‘ sthenic spur , ’ or determination to survive as a self-defined individual , which causes the anorexic to reject suicide — another form of surrender — and to choose the more arduous life of self-starvation , not in order to die , but in order to live and go on living .
9 Then run a piece of plastic or wood finished with a smooth , small radius around the edge and leave the excess to cure .
10 To be eligible an enterprise should be registered in an EC member country and have a product or process aimed at a transnational market .
11 a narrow strip of paper or linen pasted to a single leaf to allow sewing into a section for binding .
12 Any tendency to diffuseness or ambiguity led to a wide range of interpretations and allowed teachers and heads to assert in good faith , whatever the nature of their practice , that they were implementing the LEA 's policies and principles .
13 There may well be an area where the interest at stake in an application for a licence is considerably more important than that involved in a forfeiture or failure to renew in a different context .
14 Or crackle open under a blue-black pressure .
15 This does not mean ‘ just-enough ’ telecommunications on site ; it may also mean the nearness to a micro-wave or satellite TV link or surface links to a major town .
16 The reverse case , of evidence taken in a civil law country for use in common law proceedings , presents greater difficulties ; a deposition or minute taken by a judicial officer , with no cross-examination and perhaps without the parties being represented at all , may have limited probative value or be actually inadmissible in the common law country .
17 It is most unlikely that a mother or father looking at a new-born child will be saying : — ‘ We have here a potential villain , who could , in a few years time be getting a living by robbery , violence or some other criminal activity .
18 Here we are then with plenty of ideas for an easy and simple English lunch ; potted tongue or game followed by a simple hot egg dish ; or smoked salmon paste with butter and brown bread to precede grilled lamb chops , or oven-baked sole , or fillet steak if you are rich .
19 They seem like terribly nice people , concerned with wildlife , erosion , litter and rights of way through potato fields , but a dangler or scrambler caught in a confined space with a tenacious rambler will end up either committing an act of violence or huddling in a foetal position in the corner , dribbling saliva from a defeated face as the rambler concludes his theory about red deer numbers .
20 The decision or choice issued from a completed circumstance .
21 Obviously , the heroin use of their son or daughter came as a great shock to most parents , many of whom seem to have had little or no idea that their offspring was involved in any drug use whatsoever , let alone daily heroin use .
22 If an error or warning occurs for a particular module then an appropriate message is output to this log file , but processing continues until all modules in the steering file have been examined .
23 Depending on the materials available , the choice of what metal or alloy to use for a particular artefact would be influenced mainly by its intended function and how it was to be manufactured .
24 to show what a library , information source or database includes on a particular subject , and
25 An aneurysm is a swelling or dilatation caused by a weakening in the wall of a blood-vessel .
26 What is perhaps more important for the language learner is that viewing television or film made for a native speaking audience is an authentic experience .
27 Here the reward or payoff acts in a negative way and is a form of punishment .
28 Vand — a root word meaning ‘ saluting ’ or ‘ greeting ’ : an acknowledgement of rank or attainment applied in a spiritual context to an Initiate .
29 For earwigs bend on molesting your chrysanthemums , wood-wool or hay stuffed into a small flowerpot hung upside down at the top of a cane offers a similarly unsafe and temporary lodging .
30 A mistake in the choice of equipment or software coupled with a poor contract can be disastrous for a purchasing company .
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