Example sentences of "or [prep] [adv] a [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Each information unit consists of either a combination of given-plus-new elements or of just a new element .
2 In other words , Firbas , like Halliday , acknowledges that a unit of information may consist of a given plus new element , or of just a new element .
3 The pressures for independence or at least a greater measure of autonomy that emerged in the Baltic republics were the most serious of their kind that the Soviet leadership had to confront in the early Gorbachev years .
4 Suddenly I wanted freedom … or at least a new master to serve .
5 They seized the opportunity for independence or at least a new bargain with Moscow — regardless of whatever views might be held by the silent masses .
6 This ‘ closed drawbridge ’ mentality from those who have safely gained access to the good life , or at least a better life , is itself one of the factors that is having a ‘ ghettoizing ’ effect on the underclass .
7 I 'm incredibly lazy but I do think I 've found the right way or at least a better way than hers to live .
8 I suspect that none of those companies would employ someone in a role of an accountant without proper examinations , or at least a part-qualified accountant with intentions to complete , yet they seem to be happy to promote staff to achieve ‘ recognition ’ by our Institute with formal testing of aptitudes , skills and abilities .
9 A bright future — or at least a possible meeting with Mike Tyson — beckons for British heavyweight champion Gary Mason after he knocks out Tyrell Biggs in the seventh round of their Albert Hall bout .
10 Bearing in mind the awful job involved in renewing or replacing the pillar stake , you can see the sense in putting up a concrete post , or at least a concrete spur to which a timber can be bolted .
11 One must also accept that the programmer of the cells had a different logic from ours , or at least a curious sense of humour .
12 Figures for America 's total current account ( to be released next month ) may even show a small surplus , or at least a rough balance — thanks partly to payments by foreign governments towards the cost of the Gulf war .
13 This is wrong — or at least a great waste of technology and time .
14 But for new grants or privileges the answer , or at least a partial answer , lay in insistence on proper confirmation by the legitimate authority ; by the second half of the twelfth century , all charters produced across the Angevin empire had to be confirmed by the Angevin chancery .
15 Er this is just to show income from building societies during the seventy five to ninety period , and the yellow line shows a decline or at least a jiggly line , which just reflects interest rates , and the un unit trust income rising over that time is the orange line .
16 This is a permanent or at least a long-term state .
17 Pushing its head out of the way , I thrust the flambeau into its stall , to see if there might be kerosene or paraffin stored there , or at least a good stack of hay .
18 But being steeped , like them , in the philosophy that if one did a job at all one might as well do it splendidly — or at least a good deal better than the Braithwaites — he had built a very decent stone school with a walled yard and a tiny house attached for the use of the teacher , where anyone who paid him rent for his mill-cottages or any of his other employees who resided elsewhere might send their children — to suit the convenience of the teacher — free of charge .
19 At the moment , you can get adaptors for computers to cope with some form of speech or at least a limited range of verbal instructions erm and in fact Apple computers and others have little packages which allow about thirty well-defined verbal instructions to , to go in .
20 Implicit is the idea that A has some form of control over B , or at least a strong bargaining position that enables A to score a ‘ victory ’ over B. Companies sometimes have power of this kind over suppliers , as where the company is one of only a limited number of buyers of a supplier 's goods or services , and even to an extent over governments , manifested , for example , in negotiations over subsidies or in successful attempts to dilute the content of regulation .
21 The effects of these factors included a low level of investment , or at least a low efficiency of investment , and a lack of ‘ dynamism ’ in industrial management .
22 It 's estimated that one in seven of the part-time workforce has some kind of caring responsibilities , and many of them are attempting to maintain a full-time or at least a part-time job , while carrying those responsibilities .
23 In the first investigative session I ever ran I expected pupils to produce a quadratic relationship , or at least a verbal description of one , from a problem involving lines and their intersections .
24 He felt he might have been a lord , or at least a prosperous shopkeeper about to be driven to his mansion — except that there was no horse .
25 We have reached the occasion where an individual receiving publicity in one field is thought to be an expert , or at least a saleable item , in all others .
26 It was an impulse out of which he made a whole book ( or at least a whole appendix ) : the Dictionnaire des idées reçues .
27 A small dress : in a big print or at least a big colour .
28 A small survey among campesina women living in the eastern part of the country , one of the poorest areas , suggested that women live in a state verging on terror during pregnancy , fearing death , or at least a permanent decline in their general level of health .
29 At the end of 1981 the government finally gave way , or at least a little bit .
30 The occasion of Wulfhere 's intervention in Surrey is likely to have been the death of King Ecgberht , which appears to have been followed by an interregnum or at least a contested succession .
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