Example sentences of "or [verb] [pos pn] [noun pl] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 If you have any questions on this insurance cover please ring Joan Daniels , or bring your queries to the discussion time at our next meeting in March .
2 Oh , they were my daily joy , Dirty Dick , Harry , Bert , Prickwillow , working on the green baize under the bench lights , the elastic band round the grey heads holding the jeweller 's eyeglass or checking their tolerances with the white-coated draughtsmen , or rouging the last tenth of a thou from a newly-turned and bored brass centimetric attenuator .
3 Amber is for ‘ caution ’ behaviour , which you do n't encourage but tolerate because your child is still learning and making mistakes : something like digging holes in the lawn with his spade or hurling her toys across the room in a moment of fury .
4 Others went off for extended periods as migrant ( dekasegi ) workers or severed their ties with the land altogether .
5 Deutsche Bank Research says it does not expect northern EC members to revalue or devalue their currencies before the introduction of the single European currency .
6 I 'll build my own museum in Pittsburgh , or someplace else , or give my paintings to the National Gallery in London .
7 Mrs Parkin would take quick sidelong looks at her new daughter-in-law , hoping to catch her out , but there she 'd always be , merry as a chicken , tra-la-lahing amongst the pots and pans in the kitchen , or lipsticking her lips in the frameless octagonal mirror in the parlour , or telling her rosary in front of the Virgin , apparently more devout even than Bernard , the most devout of all her sons .
8 In an undisturbed home , all domestic cats see themselves as subordinates of their human owners , so under normal circumstances all domestic cats use litter trays or bury their faeces in the garden .
9 Many of the diplomas and certificates offered by the University are intended to prepare students for a particular career path , or to enhance their prospects in the career they have already chosen by extending their knowledge and developing their skills .
10 An art historian may choose to elucidate the social context of the art , or trace its sources in the work of other artists ; these choices will be reflected in the illustrations as well as the text , while sketches , other versions of pictures and related material will be available for the reader to make comparisons .
11 They spent so much time in Zap Zone at Streatham , scampering about in clouds of dry ice , zapping each other with laser guns , so many hours watching Neighbours or running up and down shopping-malls , playing Super Nintendo , they had probably not had time to go anywhere near a mosque or get their heads round the basics of Islamic education .
12 Ashley waited until their fellow diners had drifted away to explore the gardens or dip their hands in the cool water which tinkled in the stone fountains , and then moved her chair closer to her escort 's .
13 Without holstering his gun , or taking his eyes off the glimmering phenomenon , Bishop dragged the little man from the chamber and threw him bodily into the Pit .
14 All without lifting a finger or taking your eyes off the traffic for one moment .
15 It is often very tempting , after a pint or more , to tell your journalist friend a secret or two " off the record " or to air your grievances about the organisation for which you work .
16 Most are irrevocable which means the issuing bank is unable to amend or cancel its terms without the consent of all the parties , including the exporter .
17 2.3.3 Rule 37.3 ( relationship with takeover offers ) and Rule 37.4 A company will not normally be allowed to buy-in or redeem its shares during the offer period if its board has reason to believe that a takeover offer for the company is imminent , except pursuant to a pre-existing contract ( Rule 21 ) .
18 It was felt that however frustrating or exasperating our relationships with the churches may be at times , our ‘ bias to the churches ’ must continue but not at the cost of excluding other ‘ efficient ’ partners who are non-church .
19 The regarders , like the verderers , were frequently amerced at Forest Eyres for failure to carry out their duties to the satisfaction of the judges — for failing to appear with the other regarders to make the regard , or to take the regarders ' oath , or to present their rolls of the regard on the first day of the Forest Eyre , or for losing their rolls , or for incompleteness in their returns .
20 China refused to sign an ‘ unofficial ’ treaty , or to change its guidelines on the treatment Taiwanese investors should receive — which is more favourable than that offered many foreign investors .
21 Perhaps he was waiting for Gabriel to make a bolt for freedom , or to denounce his masters from the stage as murderers and charlatans .
22 Rather than ramming the trainers with the guns , the dolphins either " swam away or put their snouts on the trainers ' shoulders — very affectionately ! "
23 He would n't be allowed to fart or pick his nose or put his feet on the table .
24 Play may also serve ‘ the individual child in working through his own problems or fulfilling his wishes at the fantasy level ’ ( ibid .
25 The sky clears in the childbirth sequence because of Shatov 's sublime murmurings about the arrival of a new human being , but also because the midwife has her sleeves rolled up , because she is attacking a difficult and strenuous professional job , organizing essentials , masterminding the whole exercise , scolding Marie Shatov who allowed Shatov to get between her and the family in which she was a governess ‘ with the egotistical object of marrying you , laughing at the distraught husband on his knees unable either to bear the sound or block his ears before the birth ; and when all is tidied up , ‘ after some pleasant–es about ‘ the happy couple' ’ which were not without a touch of contempt and superciliousness , she went away as well satisfied as before . ’
26 Open Channel D for the Man From Uncle pilot film TO TRAP A SPY , sympathise with Ribsgy 's lodger-stroke-offspring problems in another ancient RISING DAMP , don your spangly cod-piece when Erasure go IN CONCERT or boggle your eyes at the whizzy visuals of schlockfest movie FX — MURDER BY ILLUSION .
27 The Artist invites you to learn , or improve your techniques in the field with expert and enthusiastic tuition from well-known artist , water-colourist and tutor Peter Partington .
28 Those who have been daydreaming or carving their initials into the desktops sit up .
29 Inevitably in Addis Ababa he was busy for most of the day , writing his despatches , interviewing people or visiting his colleagues in the other Legations .
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