Example sentences of "or [noun] [to-vb] [prep] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 We now come to a question that causes a great deal of difficulty , particularly to foreign learners ( who can not simply dismiss it as an academic question ) : how can one select the correct syllable or syllables to stress in an English word ?
2 Within minutes one was torn from reading a book to being gagged and trussed up in a sack , carried down stairs by running men , waiting for the bag to slip or rip and one 's head or neck to smash against the hard stone steps .
3 A high cut-off score is necessary since achieving it is taken to indicate mastery of a particular domain , or readiness to proceed to the next level of learning .
4 The absolute right of an editor or journalist to opt for a personal hearing before a complaints committee would be removed .
5 The absolute right of an editor or journalist to opt for a personal hearing should be removed .
6 Thus , every three years or so , a strident siren echoed across the Dantesque landscape of Winnington to signal the moment for everyone within eye- or ear-shot to retire to a safe distance and to watch the plant reduce itself to a concrete skeleton .
7 Families are almost bound to be aware of the slippage in faculties or capacity to cope of an older family member , long before there is an expressed need for some form of group care , whether day care or residential care .
8 It is , I believe , this same ‘ sthenic spur , ’ or determination to survive as a self-defined individual , which causes the anorexic to reject suicide — another form of surrender — and to choose the more arduous life of self-starvation , not in order to die , but in order to live and go on living .
9 There may well be an area where the interest at stake in an application for a licence is considerably more important than that involved in a forfeiture or failure to renew in a different context .
10 Illegality meant that the decision-maker must understand correctly the law that regulates his power and must give effect to it ; irrationality connoted Wednesbury unreasonableness ; and procedural impropriety covered a breach of natural justice or failure to comply with the procedural rules in the enabling legislation .
11 Since the regime began , the English Institute has withdrawn registration from nine firms , usually as a result of lack of fit and proper status , lack of technical competence or failure to comply with the PII regulations .
12 Depending on the materials available , the choice of what metal or alloy to use for a particular artefact would be influenced mainly by its intended function and how it was to be manufactured .
13 There was simply not the time or space to enter into the detailed sort of discussion which accompanied the Brixton riot .
14 But none , I assure you , of an age or inclination to elope with an adolescent foreigner !
15 This plan of alternating narrative and poetic lyricism was , of course , the outline scheme for many of the older operas , using recitative for the narration and arias or choruses to expand on the emotional and poetic episodes .
16 At the Olympic Games in Barcelona this year , the spectacle of the 100 metres will provide an almost sadistically tremulous thrill for the spectator , a perfect metaphor for those hidden seconds when one 's own life was changed by the failure or ability to rise to a demanding moment of crisis .
17 But by all means take a flask of tea or coffee to drink during the first few hours , but flasked drinks always taste stale after ten or twelve hours .
18 N.B. Care must be taken not to allow either stain or ethanol to flow onto the non-specimen-bearing surface , as this produces surface tensions during drying that may rupture the carbon — formvar film .
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