Example sentences of "which can [be] [verb] back to " in BNC.

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1 On active citizenship Labour has had little to say , although Labour spokespersons haves given support to the general idea of civic responsibility and the encouragement of a sense of community , which can be traced back to the nineteenth century traditions of civic virtue and community solidarity which are strong in the Labour party .
2 But increasingly , doubts , some of which can be traced back to a general report on the supply of professional services by the Monopolies Commission in 1970 , were raised about whether restraints on competition in the professions are necessarily beneficial .
3 However the recent revival of interest in the practice , which can be traced back to 1977 , represents a new departure , rendering it of far greater potential significance than it has previously assumed .
4 Each word has component parts which can be traced back to one of 800 roots .
5 The family , which can be traced back to the thirteenth century , lived at the manor of Cavendish Overhall , Suffolk , until the house and lands were sold in 1596 by William Cavendish , Michael 's eldest brother .
6 As we have observed in earlier chapters , one of the major concerns of government one which can be traced back to the last century — is the control of the level of expenditure by the state .
7 Was the uninterrupted growth and full employment of the '50s and '60s partly due to a belief ( which can be traced back to World War II ) that demand management would prevent mass unemployment if it ever showed signs of recurring ?
8 The switch of tactics on the part of the war-tax resistance movement which can be dated back to 1977 is potentially of great significance because it provided the conditions in which a broad-based political campaign may be mounted , calling for a statutory right of tax diversion and relying on litigation as an auxiliary and subordinate weapon , instead of depending exclusively on litigation to try to bring about a change in the law directly .
9 Churchill 's decision to set up S Branch and his support for the economists within the Cabinet Office stemmed from an enduring distrust of official advice on economic policy which can be dated back to his unhappy time at the Treasury in 1924–29 , particularly his much criticised decision , taken on official advice , to return to the gold standard in 1925 .
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