Example sentences of "which can [be] [verb] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 There is only one civil destruction which can be accepted with certainty , and that is the effect of the sacking of Camulodunum ( Hull , 1958 , 152 — 156 , 198 — 202 ; Dunnett , 1967 , 48 — 54 ; 1971 , 18–23 and probably 54–56 ) , London ( Marsden , 1974 ) and Verulamium ( Frere , 1972 , period I ) in AD 60 , and already useful collections of pottery have been recovered from two of these .
2 The lower value limit of goods which can be accepted for sale has been set fairly high — it is rumoured to be £10,000 for the Jewellery Department .
3 There are three sets of endorsement which can be applied to Home Insurance policies , ‘ H ’ prefix , ‘ N ’ prefix and ‘ P ’ prefix .
4 " Educational technology " in practice means one of three things : The equipment and software of the audio-visual and computing industry which can be applied in education .
5 It is available in easy to use mini granules which can be applied by hand or lawn spreader .
6 The Association will carefully monitor the take up of Vocational Qualifications by the industry and the country-wide acceptance of NVQs as nationally recognised qualifications : in the meantime it is apparent that there is a well defined need for flexible and modular provision of learning support and underpinning knowledge for those who are working towards competences , which can be assessed for award of Vocational Qualifications .
7 The leaderboard keeps track of the games played and scores which can be saved to disk at the end of each game .
8 However , there is an important difference between what might be called the doctrine of empiricism , and scientific theory , which must be empirical in the sense that statements can be deduced from theory which are about particular events and which can be checked by observation .
9 The robot specialises in problematic " blister " packs , which normally pose a nightmare for recyclers because the blisters are composed of a different material from their backing , which can be made of cardboard or a different kind of plastic .
10 These are the figures of disposable income which is arrived at after deduction of the various allowances which can be made against income to assess whether someone is financially eligible .
11 Instrumental factors , including the breadth of the exciting line and imperfections ( aberrations ) in the electron-velocity analyzer , which can be overcome in principle by improvements in the design , for example by inclusion of a monochromator .
12 Stephen Dedalus 's uncertainty about the relations which can be sustained between word and world shows , in A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man , the epistemological concerns of modernism .
13 In a given market , the set of profits which can be sustained by minimax punishments could be very large indeed .
14 At present the system allows a large vocabulary of English words which can be represented in memory with practical size and processing requirements , and is searchable in real time .
15 Certainly there are commercially available recognition units which can be plugged into home computers but they are very unsophisticated .
16 Since α is solvent and temperature dependent a more characteristic dimension to measure for the polymer is which can be calculated from light scattering in a theta-solvent , or indirectly as next described .
17 Here , faced by uncompromising contours , the glen branches into two , Glen Pean and Glen Dessarry , either of which can be followed on foot to Loch Morar : a long and arduous trek .
18 When you to this your are making use of internal muscles which can be strengthened by exercise to give you greater control .
19 ‘ Above all else the organization is viewed as a functionally integrated system , the operations of which can be understood with reference to the organizational goals which it is concerned to achieve ’ ( Burrell and Morgan 1979 , p. 205 ) .
20 Combos such as these Hartkes reinforce this boundary-blurring , with speaker configurations which can be selected in accordance with the player 's own tastes in tone .
21 Fees include the medical referees ' form , and the use of the chapel and , usually , recorded music ( which can be selected in advance ) , or an organ .
22 There may still be some possibilities , however , perhaps by filling as much of the waking day as possible with exhausting and demanding activity to reduce the time which can be given to introspection .
23 Peter has a duodenal ulcer which can be treated with drug therapy .
24 There are some regional differences which can be discerned in settlement structure , although these need not have an ethnic or social basis .
25 Instead we want to focus on three different analytical conceptions of the state which can be discerned in elite theory accounts , and which partially cut across the divisions between classical elite theorists , the democratic elitists and radical elite theorists .
26 Ideas which can be developed into research projects can come to people at all times of the day or night and under all sorts of circumstances .
27 Rather a text of the play is my principal experience of it , in the case of the scholarly Arden edition complete with a daunting textual apparatus which can be examined at leisure .
28 This negative bias entails however that in the speaker 's eyes there are no real reasons which can be conceived as occupying the before-position which a reason normally occupies with respect to the action it calls for ; and since there is consequently nothing which can be situated in time before this action , the meaning of to does not apply in this use .
29 For the desktop publishing tyro , however , there are some sensible guidelines which can be observed in order to prevent too terrifying an experience during the initial phase .
30 ‘ Giro ’ deposits , which can be transferred by cheque , yield no interest .
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