Example sentences of "which have [been] [verb] [prep] such " in BNC.

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1 This does not include information which has been leaked from such sources , nor does it include unauthorised and off-the-cuff comments made by junior officials .
2 A house which has been associated with such dramatic deeds might be expected to be broodingly sinister , but in fact Huntingtower is a delightful example of a castle which was progressively adapted to become a fine residence .
3 If it seems odd to devote a chapter to one book , however important and significant , it must be appreciated that numerically it is by far the most commonly found book and one which has been published over such a long period that the collector will see it more frequently than any other .
4 Their roots lay deep in the shell-holes and in the earthen barricades which had been erected with such sectarian conviction more than a decade before .
5 Although I had respect for Harry Thubron and Frank Lisle , the message of Basic Design was in , many ways much less important to schools of general education than the work which had been developed to such a pitch of excellence by Basil .
6 The power of the platform 's weapons and the threat they posed was enough to give anyone pause for thought , but now they appeared somehow more lethal because they were unseen — concealed behind gunports which had been engineered to such fine tolerances that Rostov could detect no hint of them anywhere on the curved metal skin .
7 It assumed that models of rehabilitation valuing people through work , which had been established at such hospitals at Netherne , could be applied for an indefinite period with all patients being potential benefactors .
8 Suppose that I am supplied with a sequence of electrons which have been prepared in such a way that they are all in the same state of motion .
9 Had he not done so , another hon. Member would have obliged , and we would have had the chance to debate the matter and to make the points which have been made with such eloquence and fervour on both sides of the House .
10 Adam Smith had maintained in 1776 that " those laws which have been enacted with such severity against the combinations of servants , labourers and journeymen " were a major weapon in the hands of employers , as were the powers to deal with riot and disorder when frustrated workers began to attack persons or property .
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