Example sentences of "which have [verb] the [adj] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Maxwell House , which has become the other local brand now seeing as how Maxwell House is owned by Kraft , and Kraft now own Terry 's .
2 They may be piqued by the performance of fellow-American Salomon Brothers , which has become the biggest single bidder at most gilt auctions .
3 They thereby avoid a circularity of reasoning which has plagued the natural rate-NAIRU literature from its earliest days : if a sustained rise in the unemployment rate is not accompanied by an abatement of inflationary pressure , then this literature can admit of only one explanation — that NAIRU , a concept which has often been conflated with that of the natural unemployment rate , must itself have risen .
4 The Gaullist RPR , which has played the leading historical role in helping German postwar political recovery — while opposing any military revival — has given the most unequivocal welcome to the idea that Germany could again be one nation .
5 The National Rivers Authority , which has imposed the tough new standards , says they will bring the sewage works out of the dark ages .
6 NEC Corp has taken a hit from Standard & Poor 's Corp , which has placed the A-1 commercial paper rating of the NEC Industries Netherlands BV finance subsidiary on CreditWatch with negative implications , citing intensifying competition from local and international firms in Japan 's personal computer market , creating further pressure on profitability .
7 The point is that so much economic growth in Latin America , from the enclave economy to contemporary multinationals , has been brought about by foreign concerns , which has denied the local entrepreneurial groups their historic role in leading , organising and financing this process .
8 New hardware technologies addressing emerging markets for personal and consumer-oriented digital image processing solutions will be spawned by SGI 's new digital sight and sound division which has taken the entry-level Indigo model and says it 'll work down from there .
9 The Second Period established that right , it is the Third Period which has provided the near total destruction of it .
10 London-based developers Inner City Enterprises spearheaded the £4m project which has transformed the former listed Georgian terrace into Liverpool 's latest prestigious business address .
11 During the Eighties , it has been the Thatcher-Reagan model which has enjoyed the higher global vogue .
12 The profound changes in the economy and society which had swept the old feudal practices away were for Marx and Engels merely an expression of the profound changes which had first taken place in the mode of production .
13 This brought to an end a two-week crisis which had presented the first serious threat to communist rule in Albania since its establishment during the Second World War .
14 Intense negotiations between both sides and Onusal had produced a breakthrough on June 15 , when the government conceded a key FMLN demand , announcing that the laws which had created the extreme right-wing paramilitary National Guard and Treasury Police would be repealed by the National Assembly .
15 But the significance of the political and religious events of the mid sixteenth century , and in particular Mary 's part in shaping them , can only be properly understood in the context of the traditional political and social patterns which had created the sixteenth-century Scottish kingdom .
16 Some commentators regarded him as the leader of a conservative faction which had opposed the economic reformist policies of CPV general secretary Nguyen Van Linh .
17 The loss in the general election of one of the Nevis seats held by the NRP ( which had retained four seats in the December 1987 elections to the Nevis island Assembly ) to the CCM ( which had gained the remaining elective seat ) revived speculation about the eventual secession of Nevis from the federation .
18 In a deliberate attempt to embarrass Tories and High Anglicans , he cited Charles II 's Declaration of April 1681 , which had condemned the then Whig-dominated House of Commons for arresting people for matters not relating to Parliamentary privilege , whilst in defence of the right of petitioning he cited the case of the seven bishops of 1688 .
19 In whatever fashion the contrast is formulated ( we might say , for example , that the two revolutions — political and industrial — which had inspired the new political science began to move in different directions , towards greater equality in one case , away from it in the other ) it embodies a large part of the substance of political enquiry and of political doctrines from the nineteenth century to the present time .
20 In Iran , this minority was regarded by the new regime with , if anything , less affection than the old , which had crushed the short-lived postwar Mahabad republic .
21 The new members of the politburo were generally middle-aged officials and included a number of party secretaries from the coastal provinces which had led the Dengist economic reform drive .
22 This followed my 1981 legislation which had introduced the first road-safety measures for fifteen years and was used ( as I knew it would be ) to introduce compulsory seat-belts .
23 Many of the returnees resisted , and had to be carried on to the aircraft by police amidst scuffles , but officials said that " minimum compulsion " had been used , in contrast to the violence which had marked the only previous forced repatriation attempt in December 1989 [ see p. 37121-22 ] .
24 Voting was freely and fairly conducted , with more than 81 per cent of the country 's 29,000,000 registered voters participating in the poll and votes being tallied with abacuses in order to avoid the allegations of computer fraud which had marred the 1987 presidential elections .
25 Egypt and Saudi Arabia , which had supplied the main Arab components of the multinational anti-Iraqi forces congregated in the Saudi desert , both issued denunciations of the killings .
26 The conference , the first of its kind openly held in Iraq , brought together all major opposition parties including several based in Iran , Saudi Arabia and Syria which had boycotted the last major opposition conference held in Vienna in June [ see p. 38985 ] .
27 The NDP , which had won the 1984 general election , was returned to power in May 1989 , winning all of the 15 elected seats .
28 This failure is well illustrated , I think , by the outlook and policies of trade unions , which have constituted the organized mass basis of all socialist movements , but which now seem to have , at least in some countries , a more tenuous connection with socialism .
29 PROPOSALS to restrict late-night drinking in Edinburgh which have split the ruling Labour group have won the full support of emergency staff at the capital 's central casualty hospital .
30 The poor overall results also concealed a creditable performance in the American and Australian mining operations , which have become the main cash-generating centres .
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