Example sentences of "which it be [verb] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Before the plutonium can be used it has to be reprocessed , the process by which it is separated from the unused uranium and radio active waste in spent , irradiated fuel .
2 It is organizationally unidirectional , filtering fitfully up the management hierarchy , irrespective of the extent to which it is attuned to the current preoccupations of senior management .
3 ( 1 ) Frequently the date of decision of a case is a year before the date by which it is cited in the Law Reports .
4 Any intuitions we may have about Anderson 's loquacity and the way in which it is affected by the events of the play are thus lent support by the results of tabulating the distribution of long turns .
5 The essential principle of this Lift ( which is to be used in lieu of a flight of locks ) is floating of the barge or vessel into a tank and the conveying of that tank with its floating load broadside up or down a slope or inclined plane to a higher or lower pond of the canal respectively into which it is floated from the tank , which is left ready for another barge going in the opposite direction .
6 After this committee , the Bill returns to the House to be read a third time , after which it is transmitted to the other House and , if successful there , submitted for the Royal Assent .
7 That process was continued by the EEC through its Common Agricultural Policy ( CAP ) , for which it is estimated by the Organisation for Economic Development and Cooperation ( OEDC ) each adult in the EEC is now paying over £220 a year as a taxpayer and consumer .
8 Sixteen-month-old Natick , Massachusetts-based start-up , Atria Software Inc , will this week introduce ClearCase , which it is touting as the industry 's most advanced software configuration management system for organising pieces of large-scale CASE development projects .
9 It initially recommended Sun Microsystems Inc workstations to run it , and also has an agreement with Stratus Computer Inc under which it is marketed under the Stratus FTX fault-tolerant Unix .
10 The 1990 Act provides that every registration shall have effect from the day on which it is entered in the register .
11 Nowadays , between ten and twenty-five times as much penicillin would need to be given routinely with the addition of another drug , probenecid , which helps to maintain high blood- and tissue levels of the antibiotic by reducing the rate at which it is eliminated by the kidneys , and even then there is no guarantee of success .
12 The interest of this curious bower is much enhanced by the manner in which it is decorated with the most gaily-coloured articles that can be collected , such as the blue tail-feathers of the Rose-hill and Pennantian Parrakeets , bleached bones , the shells of snails , & c some of the feathers are inserted among the twigs , while others with the bones and shells are strewn about near the entrances .
13 The concept of referential rigidity in the sense in which it is used in the above theory , on the other hand , goes beyond this in that it already presupposes the idea of " per se " existence .
14 5.12.1 Not to commit in relation to the Premises any breach of planning control ( such term to be construed in the way in which it is used in the Planning Acts )
15 A Microsoft Corp staffer is reported to have told Sun Microsystems Inc that Microsoft would make Windows such a moving target that Sun , with its WABI Windows Application Binary Interface , could not keep up ( CI No 2,147 ) : if the tale is true and Microsoft means it , it means that the company has learned a little too well from its long cohabitation with IBM , and that the seeds of its own destruction are now being sown — for years , IBM added features and tweaked its mainframes with no thought of improving them from the user 's point of view , but simply to trip up competitors , and once a dominant company starts resorting to such tactics , it fatally injures the regard with which it is held by the outside world , and is embarking on the slippery slope that leads to the debacle IBM finds itself in today .
16 That is an example of the arbitrary nature of the capping arrangement , and shows the extent to which it is controlled by the Secretary of State .
17 But the revolt against Labour in the housing schemes , which it was promising at the start of the campaign , never materialised , and its prediction that it would win a majority of seats now looks silly .
18 The Southern Capital had been divided into eight segments , like slices of the round , flat loaves the Semite guest workers baked , each segment 's inner edge bisecting one of the main quarters of the town , into which it was split by the two main thoroughfares , one running north-to-south , and the other east-to-west , which met at the centre .
19 The consequent crisis was an imperial crisis loosening the fabric of the absolute monarchy and bringing into question the principles on which it was based from the Basque Provinces and Catalonia to New Granada and the River Plate .
20 And the fact is that with the money available erm the Gardener Centre I should think it 's not possible to use it in the kind of flexible way in which it was planned in the first years .
21 Over those years accumulation built up the phenomenal momentum which it was to sustain through the sixties .
22 The Rev E P Tompson was the first Chairman of its Executive Committee and in that capacity led the work forward to the point at which it was accepted as the youth club arm of Scripture Union , and a member of the SU Council assumed the chair .
23 Montreal Central eventually served the CPR express lines as well as the CNR , but , compared with Toronto or Cincinnati Union , there was something half-hearted about it , despite the trumpetings with which it was received during the war .
24 The aircraft had previously been flown in the USA as N190DH until a crash at Sellersburg , Indiana , on September 22 , 1987 , following which it was imported into the UK in 1989 and has only recently completed rebuild in the capable hands of Cliff Lovell , giving us a second airworthy DH.90 alongside Wessex Aviation & Transport 's G–AEDT .
25 It was thus held to be as authentic an image of the society within which it was produced as the gift , whose authenticity was premised upon its own totalizing ability .
26 One incidental result of this was that Indirect Rule , the proud and mysterious creation of innumerable men-on-the-spot , upon which it was forbidden to the uninitiated to look , was transformed after years of scrutiny by metropolitan experts into a uniform system of local government , whereby Britain hoped to bring into the orbit of her unresented influence the non-traditional elements which had made their appearance in African society .
27 The land was waste or forage land not used for any purpose other than that to which it was put by the plaintiffs .
28 In support of his argument , Mr. Coghlan relied on Cozens v. Brutus [ 1973 ] A.C. 854 , a case in which it was held in the House of Lords that the meaning of the word ‘ insulting ’ used in section 5 of the Public Order Act 1936 was not a matter of law but a matter of fact .
29 In other words , the information as experienced by the user rarely took the forms in which it was held in the memories of the system or network .
30 353 in which it was held by the Divisional Court ( Glidewell L.J .
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