Example sentences of "which [vb -s] [to-vb] [prep] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 By contrast , a sperm is a single cell , a gamete , which needs to fuse with another gamete of opposite sex before the development of the embryo can be initiated .
2 You have things like heredity , marriages , divorces , erm some way of life which has to do with Islamic doctrine that you do and some dispute happens , you take it to the Islamic courts and they have religious judges who take it in that context and they go according to the laws of Islam .
3 The wiper switch on the dash is starting to annoy me , as is the headlight flasher which refuses to flash with dipped beam on .
4 An increased number of children may not lead to more dwellings being required , but rather to the same number of larger homes ; or may affect the types of homes needed , such as those with amenities like gardens : conversely , an ageing population , which tends to consist of smaller household sizes , may need a larger number of dwellings , perhaps smaller and with special requirements such as ease of access .
5 → We receive quite a few letters from people who have suffered from the indifferent attitude which seems to prevail in many music shops .
6 It is very difficult to understand the root causes of our failure to take industrial R&D seriously , but Sir Eric thinks that it is at least in part simply a reflection of a more pervasive anti-intellectualism which seems to run through British society .
7 Bernard served in the British Army until 1945 , then , with the support of collectors , scholars , and librarians in Europe and the United States , he reestablished the business , which continues to thrive to this day .
8 There was a substantial improvement in the Personal Motor account which continues to benefit from careful risk selection and a lower underlying claims frequency .
9 which comes to look like second nature
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