Example sentences of "which [vb mod] then [be] [verb] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 We therefore conclude with a brief examination of a number of studies which either explicitly compare bargaining structures of different countries at a sub-national level , or which seek to identify systematically by means of quantitative methods inter-industry determinants within a single , national industrial relations system — the results of which may then be compared as between countries .
2 ( This is not of course to say that assignment amounts to assertion ; assignment is a necessary move in forming a syntactic-semantic construction , which may then be asserted or questioned or even indicated as the situation that the speaker desires to bring about . )
3 The occasion of a partner leaving or joining the firm should always be taken as the opportunity to update the provisions of the agreement and , since each single provision is properly looked at in the context of the entire document , it is the whole agreement which should then be reconsidered and not simply isolated clauses .
4 In the years after 1868 the new regime attempted to manipulate selected facets of Tokugawa society to impose a uniform social structure and morality which could then be trumpeted as ‘ traditional ’ .
5 However , the plan also contained the proposal to make Juniper Green a conservation area which is much welcomed and suggested the compulsory purchase order not only of the tennis courts but also the Woodhall Paper Mill site which would then be landscaped and integrated into the Water of Leith Walkway .
6 The result is a perfect reproduction of your artwork in etch-resistant ink on your p.c.b. , which can then be etched as normal .
7 Their relation to the totality emerges not through the form of synecdoche — the typical detail which can then be generalized as metaphor — but should , according to Lukács , be drawn out through the narrative which inscribes and extends a connection between such moments of empirical reality and the general laws of history as a totality .
8 If PF1/4 is pressed more than once during a single LIFESPAN log on session , all the requests will be directed to one copy of FORM.LST , which can then be printed after you have returned to VMS .
9 Five to ten sub-systems is accepted as the normal range , which can then be decomposed as required to show lower-order activities .
10 It is up to man to look at the world and through his perceptions and his thinking to convert the world either into a form which can then be processed or into an idea .
11 The combination of steam and pressure releases the nut from the shell , which can then be cracked and removed .
12 The latest product is called FAXgrabber — which operates only in Windows — and offers the ability to take any incoming fax and convert it into text which can then be edited and inserted in other applications .
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