Example sentences of "which [vb mod] [not/n't] [be] [verb] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 Anger , which may not be expressed because of personality factors , such as excessive control , or fear of the consequences .
2 Shock and indignation jostle for position in the following quote from a speech of the president of the Royal Society , delivered in 1978 : ‘ Ominously , voices have been raised claiming that limits should be set to scientific inquiry — that there are questions which should not be asked and research which should not be undertaken . ’
3 This viewed criminal behaviour not as freely willed action but ( either metaphorically or literally ) as a symptom of some kind of mental illness which should not be punished but ‘ treated ’ like an illness .
4 This competence is a huge resource which should not be ignored but made explicit .
5 So that was where mother had kept all that string from parcels which must not be discarded lest it be needed .
6 I wanted to show the break that she made under the pressure which could not be ignored or left without a response .
7 Athelstan remembered Foreman 's words — how the lady who had visited his shop had bought a poison which could not be traced or smelt yet would stop the heart .
8 Her a very pale grey pastel was dragged over orange , giving a lovely luminous effect which could not be achieved if the two colours were blended together with the finger .
9 It will also contain a report of any modules present in the work area which could not be entered because :
10 All the emphasis , she felt , must be on this coming as an order which could not be disobeyed and yet put in such a way as not to be offensive .
11 Arguments against allowing access included that people would not write frankly if they knew their comments would be seen , it could be important to record facts which could not be proved and suspicions or impressions , the child or parent might be made unhappy by a teacher 's judgement and it might impair the relationship or discourage the child , and access would lead to constant arguments about fairness or relevance of information .
12 In the first place , in a style in which one of the fundamental problems had always been the reconciliation of solid form with the picture plane , the letters written or stencilled across the surface are the most conclusive way of emphasizing its two-dimensional character ; Braque has stressed this when he said of the letters : ‘ they were forms which could not be distorted because , being quite flat , the letters existed outside space and their presence in the painting , by contrast , enabled one to distinguish between objects situated in space and those outside it . ’
13 It turned out that mechanically drilled small holes in plywood were fringed on the inside with a little coronet of splinters which could not be removed because it could usually neither be seen nor reached .
14 It claimed that very few of those who had died in the violence had been killed by traditional weapons , that 75 per cent of deaths were caused by bullets and 20 per cent by hacking with weapons which could not be described as traditional .
15 The primate centre received requests for 300 macaques and 14 chimpanzees , many of which could not be supplied because of a policy that it should be primarily a supplier for TNO institutes .
16 He allowed himself , or claimed to allow himself , no beliefs about the world which could n't be justified if , if , even if only in a very loose sense , by scientific canons of procedure .
17 Why waste everyone 's time asking questions which need not be asked when the information is already there ?
18 Supporting or enclosing structures i.e. lift shafts and foundations masonry and brickwork upon which the plant rests and which need not be replaced if new plant is installed .
19 In the ensuing pandemonium the young musicians played on , but Matron came and took Anna away , scolding her gently for bad behaviour which would not be tolerated once she was settled in .
20 Can we expect to achieve sufficient political agreement to formulate the necessary dispute-resolving rules in an ideologically divided world , even if the avowed intention is to establish rules which are neutral as between such ideologies , the acceptance of which would not be taken as manifesting more than a commitment to getting some agreed rules ?
21 Yet The red pencil is the chewed one is quite normal on both readings , which would not be expected if on one of the readings pencil referred only to the core .
22 At the time of writing the only categories are see , go , stop and syntax ( syntax words are words like " in " , " of " and " and " , which would not be indexed or searched for in a subject search system , but which can possibly be used to modify the weighting of other words in a search request ) .
23 Its atmosphere and suspense are nursed by locality — Petersburg — in ways which ca n't be escaped but which often get misreported .
24 You 'll get little or no value from notes taken on scrappy paper , which ca n't be filed and retrieved at will or which are difficult to decipher .
25 Conversely a limp hand in the wash basin and the inevitable question : ‘ Have you had your holidays yet ? ’ will guarantee you a despair which ca n't be dispelled until your head is safely home and inside a bucket of water .
26 He was one of those blessed people who have an itch in their hands to make things which will not be denied and for whom a lack of formal training in the arts is compensated by a hyper-developed sense of ingenious invention .
27 Normally , any contributions you are making to the scheme will cease to be required and your pension ( which will not be paid until you retire ) will be increased to compensate for its deferment .
28 Whether it is possible ( or appropriate ) to work out a comprehensive set of criteria for processes such as generalization is an issue which will not be settled until there is a good deal more experience with process criteria in the classroom .
29 For behold , I will send serpents , cockatrices among you which will not be charmed and they shall bite you , saith the Lord .
30 But yesterday a statement issued by Mr Sadler revealed the council 's continued hard line over Sunday opening — which can not be altered until councillors discuss the matter on June 16 .
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