Example sentences of "which [vb mod] [adv] [be] [verb] [coord] " in BNC.

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1 If the dog drops down as commanded then it will be unlikely to disturb the horses , which may otherwise be unnerved and could even attempt to bolt off .
2 A small company , perhaps exploring foreign markets for the first time , will have requirements different from those of larger institutions which may already be tried and tested in the international arena .
3 We should also be careful to distinguish between overt formal parts , which may well be labelled or explicitly stated in the original , and parts which discourse senders and receivers orientate to but do not label .
4 ( This is not of course to say that assignment amounts to assertion ; assignment is a necessary move in forming a syntactic-semantic construction , which may then be asserted or questioned or even indicated as the situation that the speaker desires to bring about . )
5 Shock and indignation jostle for position in the following quote from a speech of the president of the Royal Society , delivered in 1978 : ‘ Ominously , voices have been raised claiming that limits should be set to scientific inquiry — that there are questions which should not be asked and research which should not be undertaken . ’
6 This viewed criminal behaviour not as freely willed action but ( either metaphorically or literally ) as a symptom of some kind of mental illness which should not be punished but ‘ treated ’ like an illness .
7 This competence is a huge resource which should not be ignored but made explicit .
8 The occasion of a partner leaving or joining the firm should always be taken as the opportunity to update the provisions of the agreement and , since each single provision is properly looked at in the context of the entire document , it is the whole agreement which should then be reconsidered and not simply isolated clauses .
9 It is obvious that those doctors who practised the therapeutic community approach had doubts about the complete integration of psychiatric patients into general hospitals , which must perforce be organized and run in a radically different manner .
10 So Eddy 's discovery should imply that the Sun is merely in a temporary phase of contraction , which must soon be halted and reversed .
11 As a result the banks found themselves in a quandary — they had lent vast sums of money which could neither be repaid nor return interest .
12 Known in due course as the Deep , or Horse Level , it was the lowest tunnel which could conveniently be driven and still serve the new Bonsor Mill .
13 What seemed to me most significant about the period I chose to study was that this was the moment of transition between the Middle Ages and the Renaissance , a transition which could best be observed and studied in drawing , which lends itself to greater experimentation .
14 I wanted to show the break that she made under the pressure which could not be ignored or left without a response .
15 Athelstan remembered Foreman 's words — how the lady who had visited his shop had bought a poison which could not be traced or smelt yet would stop the heart .
16 All the emphasis , she felt , must be on this coming as an order which could not be disobeyed and yet put in such a way as not to be offensive .
17 Arguments against allowing access included that people would not write frankly if they knew their comments would be seen , it could be important to record facts which could not be proved and suspicions or impressions , the child or parent might be made unhappy by a teacher 's judgement and it might impair the relationship or discourage the child , and access would lead to constant arguments about fairness or relevance of information .
18 It was their own indolence which had landed them with a murder which could probably be explained and might even have been prevented , if they had taken a bit more trouble .
19 Pamela 's job has dress constraints , and comfort is very important , so Jane Cristofani suggested she invest in skirt and trouser suits which could easily be mixed and matched for variety .
20 With opinion polls showing Labour ahead of the Conservatives , many health service managers are biding their time , not prepared to press forward rapidly with changes which could soon be reversed and which in any case they are reluctant to endorse .
21 However , that property could have defects which could only be identified and reported by a more detailed survey .
22 At the time of writing the only categories are see , go , stop and syntax ( syntax words are words like " in " , " of " and " and " , which would not be indexed or searched for in a subject search system , but which can possibly be used to modify the weighting of other words in a search request ) .
23 From this example , we can draw a conclusion of crucial importance for the analysis of material culture : divisions which may appear important in language and ideology may be absent from object differentiation , while distinctions within the domain of artefacts may constitute important divisions which would elsewhere be ignored or denied .
24 She enjoyed hearing about the governess 's letters which would never be received and translations of East End rhyming slang , but did n't think he actually listened to her , he often asked her the same questions .
25 However , the plan also contained the proposal to make Juniper Green a conservation area which is much welcomed and suggested the compulsory purchase order not only of the tennis courts but also the Woodhall Paper Mill site which would then be landscaped and integrated into the Water of Leith Walkway .
26 Its atmosphere and suspense are nursed by locality — Petersburg — in ways which ca n't be escaped but which often get misreported .
27 You 'll get little or no value from notes taken on scrappy paper , which ca n't be filed and retrieved at will or which are difficult to decipher .
28 ‘ He is being given rations of hay which will slowly be increased and hopefully we can cut down on the drugs .
29 He was one of those blessed people who have an itch in their hands to make things which will not be denied and for whom a lack of formal training in the arts is compensated by a hyper-developed sense of ingenious invention .
30 For behold , I will send serpents , cockatrices among you which will not be charmed and they shall bite you , saith the Lord .
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