Example sentences of "which [is] [verb] by the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 There are no nationally agreed guidelines for the appointment of police surgeons : this matter rests entirely on the discretion of the local Chief Constable who has to decide who to appoint from the applicants for the particular post , which is advertised by the police .
2 There is little tundra in the southern hemisphere ( where there is very little land at appropriate latitudes ) and only a narrow strip in Europe , which is warmed by the Gulf Stream ; but there are vast tracts in the north of Canada and Alaska , and the northern shore of Asia .
3 Both introns display all distinctive features of group I introns ( 2 , 39 ) and , moreover , are members of subgroup IA which is characterized by the existence of an additional stem-loop in the P7 region ( P7.1 ) ( 19 ) ( Fig. 4b ) .
4 The test is whether the plaintiff has acquired an intangible property right for his product deriving from the distinctive nature of this material which is recognized by the market .
5 The idea is to note the activity ( which is planned by the classteacher alongside other teachers ) very briefly , to describe whether it was for a whole class , a group , or perhaps an individual .
6 Another lyric makes even more explicit this identification of life in time with the Crucifixion as the only means by which its true value may be realised : Such lyrics embody an understanding of the process of transfiguration at the heart of the Christian faith which is realised by the mystics in experience and gestured towards in their texts .
7 The ISE 's Special Committee on Market Development recommended in July 1990 that the Alpha , Beta and Gamma classifications on SEAQ should be replaced with a new measure called Normal Market Size ( NMS ) which is calculated by the stock 's liquidity and trading volume .
8 A common law court will receive some evidence in writing , whether in the form of reports , exhibits or ‘ agreed bundles of documents ’ ; but in principle the evidence is ‘ heard ’ at the actual trial , the form of which is influenced by the needs of the jury even in those systems , such as the English , where the actual presence of a jury in a civil trial is now quite exceptional .
9 The gall bladder epithelium has one of the highest rates of water absorption of body tissues , which is achieved by the coupling of active sodium transport and passive water absorption .
10 The core of the work is the deeply expressive slow movement , which is counterbalanced by the vitality of the folky finale .
11 The instructions needed to set the printer into bit-image mode are called escape codes because each instruction is preceded by the ASCII code 27 which is generated by the ESC or ESCAPE key on a terminal keyboard .
12 Geothermal power ( heat from rocks ) is a technology that is still undergoing research in this country and which is seen by the Government as an energy longshot .
13 The dark green colourway provides vibrancy and depth , which is echoed by the towels , tiles and flooring , and a cotton pile bathmat from Croydex 's Catherine range continues the theme .
14 However , there is a net outflow of as much as 10 per cent and it is this ‘ lost ’ fluid which is drained by the lymphatics and returned to the circulation .
15 If one passes a string round a post and pulls on both ends there will be a force on the post in the direction of the pull which is reacted by the post pushing in the opposite direction .
16 These initially hair-like fibres seek out and feed off the cellulose in the wood which is digested by the fungus to leave a dry , desiccated and fragile shell of wood-fibre or lignin which , in the absence of the cementitious cellulose , can not continue to perform any structural role required of the timber .
17 More resources will be made available through the safer cities scheme , which is funded by the Home Office .
18 But Lady McCollum warned that if the GCC , which is funded by the Department of Economic Development , is to be able to take these issues — and more — on board it must be properly resourced .
19 He also produces the village newsletter which is funded by the parish council .
20 ‘ The problem is that clean power other than from wind or water usually requires the application of the kind of technology which is prohibited by the Yasa .
21 In October 1991 , five young women in this predominantly Muslim area of Southern Malawi were arrested for wearing trousers , which is prohibited by the Decency in Dress Act .
22 As the Dragon , signifying ‘ the being who excels in intelligence ’ , breathes ‘ fire ’ , the destructive action of snake venom resembles that of the all-devouring fire , and the snake belongs to those beings which are believed to possess to a high degree that magical energy which is indicated by the Sanskrit word ‘ Tajas ’ , meaning heat or fire .
23 An index of loss of mandibles and maxillae from the predator assemblages is given by the numbers of isolated teeth in the assemblages compared with the empty alveolar spaces in the known samples of upper and lower jaws ( which is given by the figures in column 1 , Table 3.6 for molar loss , and column 4 in the same table for incisor loss ) : see Table 3.9 .
24 Erm a green form is a , a it 's , gr green , green form money is money which is given by the Law Society erm depending on how much work , how much time is spent on each case
25 A homogeneous population will eventually grow at a steady rate r , which is given by the Euler-Lotka equation , In an asexual population , or a population of sexually reproducing haploids that vary only at a single locus , the outcome of natural selection depends simply on the long-term growth rates associated with each genotype , in the absence of density- or frequency-dependent interactions , each genotype will eventually grow exponentially at a rate that depends on its own life history , given by equation ( 1 ) .
26 In the days before effective treatment , endocarditis , in which the valves of the heart are themselves affected , was a very serious complication , a measure of which is given by the title of a contemporary report : ‘ Gonococcal endocarditis — a report of twelve cases , with ten post-mortem examinations ’ ( my italics ) .
27 Price ( Pc ) and output ( Qc ) are determined by the intersection of the supply and demand curves at C. There is no producer surplus , and total surplus is comprised entirely of consumer surplus which is given by the area ACPc .
28 Although the interpretation of Article 3 of the Directive , which is rejected by the Court but which is the one embodied in Regulation 5 of the UK Regulations , is characterised by the Court as threatening ‘ the fundamental rights of the worker ’ to choose for whom he or she will work , the Court 's interpretation is phrased in negative terms .
29 Leaving aside this particular controversy , there is a great deal of interest in the topic of historical and cultural variations in patterns of child rearing in the family , which is illustrated by the articles in this section .
30 Each chapter of the book concentrates on a specific area , which is illustrated by the lives of several mothers who have had particularly relevant experiences .
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