Example sentences of "which [vb base] in the [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The amount is insufficient to cause the classical signs and symptoms of the disease but is sufficient to stimulate the body to produce antibodies which remain in the blood throughout life .
2 Labour will give people more say in drawing up plans for their area and create a new right of appeal for residents against developments which fly in the face of their local plan .
3 I challenge Dr McNab to justify his so-called remedies which fly in the face of all that 's known about the pathology of this disease . "
4 Rajasthan 's mining department earns around £1.1 million per year from the licenses , which fly in the face of the provisions of the federal government 's Forest Conservation Act .
5 non-descriptors or terms which are not to be used in the index but which appear in the thesaurus in order to expand the entry vocabulary ( terms through which the user can enter the thesaurus and be directed to the appropriate term ) of the indexing language .
6 These arrangements of Bayezid II's seem to be among the earliest occurrences of , and may well have helped to set the pattern for , a number of joint muderrisliks and muftiliks which appear in the course of the sixteenth century , many of which were at a relatively high level in the hierarchy .
7 The Ks ' story illustrates the pitfalls which lie in the way of practical implementation .
8 This vegetation pattern is also found on the sheltered lowland strips which lie in the shadow of the coastal mountain ranges .
9 Those which vary in the use of a specific feature must be brought together to show the range of choice possible .
10 Nothing is more important than that we should take down the barriers — like National Insurance and pensions — which stand in the way of new employment and job mobility .
11 If we move away from the national level to consider the smaller local communities , or particular institutions such as factories and offices , colleges and schools , it is quite clear that there are no problems of either size or communications which stand in the way of their being governed according to the principle of direct participatory democracy .
12 Bobby was a magnificent header of the ball and graceful too , so that many of his goals were spectacular , picturesque affairs , which stand in the memory to this day , while he also possessed a prodigious long-throw , which the Palace exploited most successfully and was the League 's prototype for this tactical ploy .
13 The aim of this study was to determine whether the lysosomal fragility observed after chronic ethanol consumption is mediated by ethanol per se , its oxidative metabolite acetaldehyde or cholesteryl esters ( substances which accumulate in the pancreas after ethanol consumption ) .
14 It 's silly things like that which get in the way of the actual show , so for the next series , I suggested a couch , low enough for me to put my arm over the back of it , but high enough to stop me sliding off on to the floor .
15 This , like so many of the methodological issues which emerge in the study of syntactic variation , is part of a wider theoretical question , in this case the embedding of syntax in discourse and the close interrelationships between syntax , semantics and pragmatics ( see 7.7 ) .
16 However , there are some themes which recur in the evidence of those we consulted and which were first sounded in the Bullock and Swann Reports .
17 They do not represent a complete list of the ‘ traditions ’ in English curricula nor are they timeless entities ; they simply represent three clear constellations of curriculum styles which recur in the history of the school subjects under study .
18 Late summer and early autumn are good times to sow hardy green manures , which stay in the ground through the winter and rot down , or are dug in , in the spring .
19 Such terms as patrilineal and matrilineal refer to ideal patterns which apply in the majority of instances .
20 Subsequently several others have appeared in different countries which differ in the sophistication of their construction and the experimental measurements that can be made .
21 There are three different crystallographic forms of chitin — a- , B- and y- chitin — which differ in the arrangement of the chains and in the presence of bound water ; a-chitin is the most stable and the only one found in arthropod cuticle .
22 For a given level of resources and a given technology , the economy has an infinite number of Pareto-efficient allocations which differ in the distribution of welfare across people .
23 Such readers are able , when presented with a printed letter string , to apply certain mental operations to that string which result in the output of a spoken representation of the letter string .
24 This is then built-up to a six-carbon monosaccaride or else enters a series of reactions which result in the regeneration of ribulose diphosphate .
25 At Wood Group we normally log incidents which result in the loss of more than one day or one shift .
26 Tubifex are very thin , long red aquatic larvae which live in the mud of slow flowing rivers and ponds .
27 [ … ] Socialization within the family is manifested in subtle cues of things said and things not said , of facial expressions and gestures which arise in the course of day-to-day living within the same dwelling .
28 To see whether this is really so we will , in the next chapter , consider the problems which arise in the use of the formal interview .
29 Following Sperber and Wilson ( 1986 ) , context can be seen as the set of possibilities which exist in the universe of discourse and situation of utterance for the interpretation of that utterance .
30 I have stressed that we construct a context from the deixis of the text ( a context being the set of possibilities which exist in the universe of discourse and situation of utterance for the interpretation of the utterance ) ; but the initial elements of the utterance must be more dense in terms of pragmatic activity .
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